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"'The tide of social unrest is sweeping across to us from the Old World which will engulf our civilization unless it is stopped by the jetties of social assistance and the breakwaters of increased moral education. You can't do this with Sunday-school papers and texts! You can't stem the movement in your clubs by denouncing the demagogues over highball glasses and teacups.

The little man was eying him in surprise. Joe finished his highball and came to his feet to get another one. He said, "On two occasions I've had an orderly save my life. I'm not taking any chances but that there might be a third opportunity." "Well, yessir. Does the captain want me to get him " "I'll get it," Joe said.

A dead sister of Wheeler's spoke in thin, high voice. Why is it the dead are always so vocally thin and high? A chair tilted itself on hind legs, eliciting squeals from the women. Babe spoke with a gentleman friend long since passed on, and Kitty with a deceased husband, and began to cry quite sobbily and took little sips of highball quite gulpily.

"Yes, sir?" replied the conductor "Who was that man who just spoke to you?" "That man? Why, I thought everybody out this way knew Montagne Lewis. That is his name, sir and a big man he is. Yes, sir," and the conductor, giving the watching engineer of his train the "highball," caught the hand-rail of the car and swung himself aboard as the train started. On the Hendrickton & Pas Alos

Kelly turned back to the conditioner. "Have a drink?" Roberts sipped his highball and unburdened himself. "Never told you how I discovered the little cuss. It was a couple of years ago he showed up out at the quarters. I was getting Prayne ready for his fight with Delaney. Prayne's wicked. He ain't got a tickle of mercy in his make-up.

Rand didn't wonder that they resented Gladys so bitterly; economic considerations aside, girls seldom enthuse over a stepmother so near their own age who is so much more beautiful. "Good afternoon, Colonel Rand," Gladys said. "This is Mrs. Varcek." She indicated a very pale blonde who sat slumped in a deep chair beside a low cocktail-table, a highball in her hand. "And Mrs. Dunmore."

And he thought, as he dropped into the chair she indicated, that she was a woman who gained strength in these moments of relaxation. "Fancy your catching me like this!" she said, "I thought when the bell rang that you were my dressmaker.... If you want a highball you'll have to wait on yourself. Phil Edington brought an awfully good bottle of Scotch last night.

He had done none of these things, of course. "By jiminy!" exclaimed Honey Smith, "how I hate the unfamiliar air of everything. I'd like to put my lamps on something I know. A ranch and a round-up would look pretty good to me at this moment. Or a New England farmhouse with the cows coming home. That would set me up quicker than a highball."

After that, I don't mind telling you that I find time hangs a bit on my hands. Try one of these," he added, producing a cigar case. The Inspector thanked him and helped himself. Mr. Coulson summoned the waiter. "Highball for me," he directed. "What's yours, Mr. Jacks?" "Thank you very much," the Inspector said. "I will take a little Scotch whiskey and soda." The two men sat down.

"Come back to the bar and fortify yourself against the thin red line of British soldiery out there in the gardens. You can get a ripping highball for eight piastres," laughed the newcomer. But Benton declined. "I am waiting for ladies," he explained. "I'll see you again." "Sure you will." Harcourt paused. "I dash up the Nile in the morning, going to do Karnak and Luxor you know, the usual stunt.