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It is not a bud-variation at all, and it is to be met with quite commonly while the true reversions by buds are very rare and are of the nature of sports appearing suddenly and remaining constant on the same twig. Analogous phenomena of wide variability with true reversion may be seen in the variety of the European hornbeam called Carpinus Betulus heterophylla.

'Ah! said Gallio calmly, 'I thought so. 'What is it? said Justus. 'I should call it the Shirt of Nessus, but Where did you get the fibre of this cloth from? 'Athon Daze, said Justus. 'He showed the boys how it should manufactured be. 'The old fox! Do you know that he has given you the Nilgiri Nettle scorpion Girardenia heterophylla to work up? No wonder they squirmed!

After riding 17 miles, the first eight through thick scrub, we came into a more open and elevated country where we saw pigeons, as sign that water was not distant on some side of us. The hills were covered with a quartzose soil, containing angular fragments. The Callitris pyramidalis and the Sterculia heterophylla were among the trees.

Why, it stings even when they make bridge-ropes of it, unless it's soaked for six weeks. The cunning brute! It would take about half an hour to burn through their thick hides, and then ! Gallio burst into laughter, but Lotta was weeping in the arms of the Collector's wife, and Justus had covered his face with his hands. 'Girardenia heterophylla! repeated Gallio. 'Krenk, why didn't you tell me?

After giving our horses a short rest, during which we refreshed ourselves with a pot of Sterculia coffee, we returned towards our camp; but, wishing to find a more open road, kept more to the eastward, and came sooner than I expected to Sterculia Creek: which name I had given to the creek on which we were encamped, in reference to the groves of Sterculias of both species, rose-coloured as well as heterophylla, which grow on its banks.

The principal hill consisted of traprock, and was so naked that only one or two trees of the Sterculia heterophylla grew upon it. The native name for it was Pakormungor, and from its top I recognised Mounts Juson and Laidley, and near me various low features which I had intersected from those stations.

On the banks of the latter, a species of Sterculia grows to a large size, and is one of the most pleasing and ornamental trees of the country; it is probably different from, although nearly allied to S. heterophylla. I have also to mention, that a yellow Villarsia was found on one of the lakes; which were generally surrounded by high sedges.

This vale was one of the most picturesque spots we had yet seen. An Ironbark tree, with greyish fissured bark and pale-green foliage, grows here, and Sterculia heterophylla is pretty frequent amongst the box and flooded-gum, on the rising ground between the two creeks.

The variety V. heterophylla variegata is a dwarf, low-growing plant with variegated leaves, and is used for pot work, for covering the ground in sub-tropical bedding designs, and might be used to great advantage for rambling over large stones in the rock garden. Chinese Wistaria. China, 1816. This is the only species at all common in gardens, and by far the handsomest in cultivation.

But more perfect specimens enabled Professor Owen, in 1858, to show that this fossil animal was a Saurian reptile, which probably fed on shell-bearing mollusks, and used its short and flat teeth, so thickly coated with enamel, for pounding and crushing the shells. Voltzia heterophylla. Portion of same magnified to show fructification. Sulzbad.