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There, in a sort of better-most cabin, lay a young man, dying wounded, as I afterwards learned, in an attack upon the Lord of Herst de Monceux. "A goodly man of some thirty years was he, and a goodly end he made. He told me his story, and as the lips of dying men speak the truth, I believed him.

After I had got thawed out in the mess wagon and took me home in 15 days I was again in the saddle ready for business but I will never forget those few days I was lost and the marks of that storm I will carry with me always. Early the next spring 1878 we went on a short trip to Junction City, Kan., with a small herd of horses for Hokin and Herst.

"From the woods of merry Sussex, and later on, the tilt yard of Kenilworth." "Oh, you are a true Southerner, then. So am I, the second son of Waleran de Monceux of Herst, in the Andredsweald. "Here we are at home come in to Saint Dymas' Hall."

Martin now learned that the death of an elder brother had recalled his former acquaintance from Oxford to figure as the heir apparent of Herst de Monceux: hence the occasion of their meeting under such different auspices. The system of the early Franciscans bore a very remarkable likeness to that devised by John Wesley for his itinerant preachers, if indeed the former did not suggest the latter.