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Heming; but as for Miss Laniston, that is the lady who is visiting us, I would not have her see me doing this for anything in the world. She hates the House of Martha, although she used to be one of its friends, and I know that she would like to see me leave the sisterhood. She ridicules us whenever she has a chance, and to see me here would be simply nuts to her." "Is she a bad-tempered lady?"

A French fleet, bringing over a strong reinforcement, had appeared on the coast of Kent, where they were attacked by the English, under the command of Philip d'Albiney, and were routed with considerable loss. D'Albiney employed a stratagem against them, which is said to have contributed to the victory. Ann. Waverl. p. 183. W. Heming. p. 563. Trivet, p. 169. M. West. p. 277.

The Countess of Leicester, the king's sister, who had been extremely forward in all attacks on the royal family, was dismissed the kingdom with her two sons, Simon and Guy, who proved very ungrateful for this lenity. Chron. T. Wykes, p. 94. W. Heming. p. 589.

Edward pretended to take the air with some of Leicester's retinue, who were his guards; and making matches between their horses, after he thought he had tired and blown them sufficiently, he suddenly mounted Gloucester's horse and called to his attendants, that he had long enough enjoyed the pleasure of their company, and now bid them adieu. T. Wykes, p. 67. Ann. Waverl. p. 218. W. Heming. p. 585.

Heming thinks to swear to the gun; for yo see, there's nobbut* her as can testify to its being his, and she let on so easily to the policeman that it was his, that there's no getting off her word now. Poor body; she takes it very hard, I dare say!" *Nobbut; none-but. "No man sigh evere God NO BUT the oon bigetun sone." Wickliffe's Version. Mrs.

"Sanpritchit over Sunday," I repeated to myself. "It's the greatest pity," said the woman, "that they didn't know you and the other gentleman that is, if he is with you were coming back to-day, for I am sure they would have been glad to take you with them. There's room enough on that yacht, and will be more; for Mr. Heming, the gentleman that collects shells, is not coming back with them.

Abb. p. 626, 700. His envy, therefore, prompted him to obscure that fame which he had not equalled; and he embraced every pretence of throwing the most violent and most improbable calumnies on the King of England. Every one in Palestine knew from what hand the blow came. Richard was entirely free from suspicion. Trivet, p. 124. W. Heming. p. 544.

By this route the gold-fields can be reached in two months or six weeks, and the cost of travel is ridiculously cheap nearly anybody can afford to go even now, and by the spring it should be fitted out for the accommodation of any amount of traffic. "The details of the information in the following article are given by Mr. A.H.H. Heming, the artist who accompanied Mr.

Heming, we haven't any cutter or any suitable sleigh, and besides, one of the horses is working in the stump lot; but I think I can manage." In a little while he led a horse round to the front door.

The present controversy about the election to the see of Canterbury afforded Innocent an opportunity of claiming this right; and he failed not to perceive and avail himself of the advantage. Ann. Waverl. p. 169. W. Heming. p. 553.