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You're liable to have a heluvatime if you butt into my business without an invite. Shack and git that camera." Yeager nodded to his new friend. "Go ahead and get it. We'll be waiting back of the garage." Farrar hesitated, the professional instinct in him awake and active. "If you're dead keen on a mix-up, Harrison, why not come over to the studio where I can get the best light?

Believe me, he'll have one heluvatime before I'm done," boasted the prizefighter savagely. "You're still in entire accord with the chief. Yet our friend the Gringo rides away in safety and laughs at you both. Ramon Culvera takes his hat off to Señor Yeager. He has played a winning game with courage and brains." "I beat his fool head off when he joined the Lunar Company the very day he joined.

"Serve you right," the soldier of fortune flung at him as he rose from his chair. "Killing is none too good for your kind. Pity some one didn't stamp you out before you brought that little girl down here to this sink of perdition." Harrison swallowed down his anger. "That's all right. I'll stand for it. If I didn't believe it myself, you'd have a heluvatime getting away with such talk.

"... heluvatime ... ride ... gulch," Sheba made out. He flung Mrs. Olson astride one of the wheelers and helped Sheba to the back of the right leader. Swiftwater clambered upon its mate himself. The girl paid no attention to where they were going. The urge of life was so faint within her that she did not greatly care whether she lived or died.