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"You told me there was no one in the house, but someone has just come out of the gate, and is standing by my motor!" He added sternly, "Was heisst das?" Anna hurried to the window and looked through the muslin curtain hanging in front of it. Yes, the stranger had spoken truly. There was Mr. Hayley, standing between the little motor-car and the back door. "Do not yourself worry," she said quickly.

In der Beilage zum Memoire heisst es: Vor dem Empfangssaal des serbischen Kriegsministeriums befinden sich an der Wand vier allegorische Bilder, von denen drei Darstellungen serbischer Kriegserfolge sind, während das vierte die Verwirklichung der monarchiefeindlichen Tendenzen Serbiens versinnbildlicht.

"Dreckiges Yolk, die Russen" he remarked, twisting his little moustache's ends up. "Werden lernen was es heisst, frech sein gegen uns. Wollen sie blau und schwartz dreschen." You know German, so I needn't take its peculiar flavour out by transplanting the young man's remarks.

With a grasp on this rock, Carlyle springs from the slough of despond and asserts himself: Denn ich bin ein Mensch gewesen Und das heisst ein Kaempfer seyn. He finds in persistent action, energy, and courage a present strength, and a lamp of at least such partial victory as he lived to achieve. He would not make his judgment blind; He faced the spectres of the mind,

Thöricht ist's In allen Stücken billig sein; es heisst Sein eigen Selbst zerstören. Her condemnation of the Whigs, for example, is as stringent and outspoken as condemnation can be; yet it is a deliberate and reasoned judgment, not a mere bitterness or prejudice. The Whigs were at that moment, between 1832 and 1834, at the height of their authority, political, literary, and social.

The finest effort to reanimate the past is of course only approximativeis always more or less an infusion of the modern spirit into the ancient formWas ihr den Geist der Zeiten heisst, Das ist im Grund der Herren eigner Geist, In dem die Zeiten sich bespiegeln.

The term, however, is "Jagd-zug" which may mean a "hunting equipage," or a "hunting stud;" although Hilpert gives only "a team of four horses." Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar, who succeeded Gustavus in command. The original is not translatable into English: Und sein Sold Muss dem Soldaten werden, darnach heisst er. It might perhaps have been thus rendered:

"The Prince riding on the Fox," "Hans in Luck," "The Fiddler and his Goose," "Heads off," are all drawings which, albeit not before us now, nor seen for ten years, remain indelibly fixed on the memory. "Heisst du etwa Rumpelstilzchen?"