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The prohibition of the use of fleshmeat and milk at one meal: the hebdomadary symposium of incoordinately abstract, perfervidly concrete mercantile coexreligionist excompatriots: the circumcision of male infants: the supernatural character of Judaic scripture: the ineffability of the tetragrammaton: the sanctity of the sabbath. How did these beliefs and practices now appear to him?

When I am alone I am a chimney with no hebdomadary repose; I smoke forever. It is on account of my young friend I am temperate now." "He has never smoked, your young friend?" I asked, glancing at my visitor rather curiously, I fear. "Mr. Saffren has no vices." Professor Keredec replaced his silver-rimmed spectacles and turned them upon me with serene benevolence.

Still, if I could only find two lines that satisfied me, I thought myself amply rewarded for the trouble of a search. It is still a pleasure to repeat And o'er them blew The authentic airs of Paradise. I felt, I remember, about the epithet "authentic" what Pinkerton in The Wrecker felt about Hebdomadary "You're a boss word." I have no recollection of what made me take to writing verse myself.

I was so intent on securing the disappearance of a single epithet that I accepted the rest of the advertisement and all that it involved without discussion. So it befell that the words "well-known connoisseur" were deleted; but that H. Loudon Dodd became manager and honorary steward of Pinkerton's Hebdomadary Picnics, soon shortened by popular consent, to The Dromedary.

I was so intent on securing the disappearance of a single epithet that I accepted the rest of the advertisement and all that it involved without discussion. So it befell that the words "well-known connoisseur" were deleted; but that H. Loudon Dodd became manager and honorary steward of Pinkerton's Hebdomadary Picnics, soon shortened, by popular consent, to the Dromedary.