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He had ridden beyond the ken of his own folk, and no tale of his end would ever be told in that northern hall of his when the hearth-fire flickered on the rafters.

I looked, as it seemed, into a space illimitable and fathomless, and yet a warm light as from a hearth-fire shone and played in ruddy glow, as upon confining walls. And I saw, there gathered, all human hearts. I saw them yet I saw no forms; they were there and yet they would be there. To my waking reason, the words sound like nonsense, and perplex me; but the thing did not perplex me at all.

"Now," she muttered, composedly taking her knitting and sitting before her hastily replenished hearth-fire; "now, I reckon who-sumever it may be, will think I've had a po'ful feast o' po'k chops, judging from my mouf, an' no quality ain't mo' comfortable than I be?" A smile of content spread over the old face as this vision of respectability enfolded the poor soul.

One foggy evening in early autumn Eckbert was sitting with his friend and his wife, Bertha, around the hearth-fire. The flames threw a bright glow out into the room and played on the ceiling above. The night looked in darkly through the windows, and the trees outside were shivering in the damp cold.

A cheerful though small fire burns in the grate for even here the hearth-fire has vanished from the records of cottage-life and is pleasant here even in the height of summer, though it is counted needful only for cooking purposes.

Green and red and yellow vases adorned with figures of youthful lovers crammed the top of the piano at the farther end of the room and the polished black-marble mantel of the fireplace. The glaring gas raced the hearth-fire for snap and glare and excitement.

When they went back to Four Winds the little house was almost drifted over, for the third storm of a winter that was to prove phenomenally stormy had whirled up the harbor and heaped huge snow mountains about everything it encountered. But Captain Jim had shovelled out doors and paths, and Miss Cornelia had come down and kindled the hearth-fire. "It's good to see you back, Anne, dearie!

Now she did not light the little rag-lamp which she and Jane sometimes sat by with their belated sewing or darning if they had not kept the hearth-fire burning. She went to bed in the dark, and slept with the work-weariness which keeps the heart-heavy from waking.

"'For you the hearth-fire glows, I shan't go in; not with that crew; let them wait; and if it gets too late, somebody else will walk home with the children." "For you the hearth-fire glows." He picked his way along the side of the house to the front, every window sending out its candle gleam. "For you the hearth-fire glows." From dozens of windows the welcome shone.

Through it Jerome could scarcely see Colonel Jack Lamson, in a shabby old coat, seated before the blazing hearth-fire, with a tumbler of rum-and-water on a little table at his right hand. "Sit down," said Means to Jerome, and pulled another chair forward. "Quite a sharp night out," he added. "Yes, sir," replied Jerome, seating himself.