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The formula came glibly, but it was from the lips only that it came. Lizzie his white innocent Lily-girl! In a shed a man, a stranger, holding her hand, his arm around her, his eyes his lips perhaps, daring The Rector was half way down his garden drive. "Your heart-line," Vernon was saying, "it's a little difficult. You will be deeply beloved." To have one's fortune told is disquieting.

Adventures, heart affairs, fortunes, perils such a life-line, Mr. Glover. On my word there you are hanging by a hair a hair on the verge of eternity " Glover laughed softly. "Oh, come, Louise," protested Mrs. Whitney. "Touch on lighter lines, please." "Lighter lines! Why, Mr. Glover's heart-line is a perfect cañon." The laughter did not daunt her. "A perfect cañon.

"A gentle and confiding nature, characterized by a penchant for escapade, is denoted by the joy-wheel at the base of Halley's Comet. And so we come to the life-belt. This my word, this is all right! Unrivalled for resistance to damp and wear, will last three to six times as long as ordinary paint I mean life of extraordinary durability. Now for the heart-line.

It's in any man to play high when the good opinion of the one woman is the stake. I'm a poseur, like all the others." She smiled down on him and the slate-blue eyes were reading him to the latest-indited heart-line. "You are posing now," she asseverated. "Don't I know? don't I always and always know?"

All sorts of tests of this kind have been suggested. Cranium, cranial sutures, frontal process, nasal bones, eye, chin, jaws, wisdom teeth, hair, humerus, pelvis, the heart-line across the hand, calf, tibia, heel, colour, and even smell all these external signs, as well as many more, have been thought, separately or together, to afford the crucial test of a man's pedigree.

And your heart-line " he turned her hand more fully to the light. In the Rector's study the labourer was speaking, standing shufflingly on the margin of the Turkey carpet. The Rector listened, his hand on an open folio where fat infants peered through the ornamental initials.

Is it something, like the heart-line of the hand, that may go along with useful qualities, but in itself seems to be a meaningless accident? Well, as some unfortunate people will be able to tell you, colour is still a formidable handicap in the struggle for existence. Not to consider the colour-prejudice in other aspects, there is no gainsaying the part it plays in sexual selection at this hour.

Upon his father's private admonition, that it would be as well to generously resign his position in favor of some more needy applicant, with a less complex heart-line and a slight acquaintance with international law, he had, after a summer at Newport, returned to Europe and again devoted himself to winning a fame not altogether political.