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Every one of these fellows had a different idea of how he wanted the world to be run, and every one had a different idea of how to bring about the change. Life was an endless struggle between the haves and the have-nots, and the question of how the have-nots were to turn out the haves was called "tactics."

'After a bit I catched the keeper hisself and the policeman at it; and there be another as knows it, and who do you think that be? It be the man in town as got the licence to sell game as haves most of my hares; the keeper selled he a lot as the money never got to my lard's pocket and the steward never knowed of. Look at that now!

The objections to the policy on the part of the "haves" and the "have nots" are, of course, different, but as they both converge to the same point, namely, to the reform of our system of war finance, it is possible that they may in time have the effect of shaking even the confidence of our politicians and officials in the haphazard and slipshod methods which would long ago have produced financial disaster if it had not been for the great financial strength of the country.

With the humanization of the West will come the salvation of those tribes who never divided themselves so absolutely into the "haves" and the "have-nots," or who never attained a high mastery over the physical universe. Are there persons in America who say what, until the present war, many in Old England thought that there is nothing new under the sun?

But there was a still more fearful division than these, the three legitimate parties, now existing in Athens: a division, not of principle, but of feeling that menacing division which, like the cracks in the soil, portending earthquake, as it gradually widens, is the symptom of convulsions that level and destroy, the division, in one word, of the rich and the poor the Havenots and the Haves.

The "have-nots" cheered him, but the "haves" shivered at his coming, for every thinking man knew that it implied war with Europe. Napoleon saw the danger of relying merely on malcontents and sought to arouse a truly national feeling.

There is no bond of sympathy between the givers and the receivers. Thus the Haves and the Have-nots, the opulent and the indigent, stand at the two extremes of the social scale, and a wide gulf is fixed between them. Among rude and savage people, the condition of poverty is uniform. Provided the bare appetites are satisfied, suffering is scarcely felt.

You'd know all the time that you'd shirked, deserted, been false to your business. You'd be fishes out of water, with the knowledge that you'd taken for your own pleasure something that someone else ought to have had. It isn't in either of you to do it. You must leave such work to the Haves. Why, what happens the first time you try it on?

We never tell Papa of little tricks of the boys. But the little darling might have broken her neck. 'Oh! life in a large family is made up of might haves, said Alda. 'Why, I do declare there's a smaller still! What a little duck! and she pounced upon Angela. 'We have a smaller than that, said Wilmet 'Bernard, only we left him at home. 'Tell me all your names! cried Marilda, delighted.

Harris said that his sort of lapse is to be found in every copy of every newspaper that has ever been printed in English, and in almost all of our books. He said he had observed it in Kirkham's grammar and in Macaulay. Harris believed that milk-teeth are commoner in men's mouths than those "doubled-up haves." That changed the subject to dentistry.