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Maskull stretched a hand toward the now invisible corpse, and said quietly, "What have you to say about him?" "Who was it?" "Haunte." "So that was Haunte. The news will travel far and wide. He was a famous man." "It's a horrible affair. I can't think that you killed him deliberately." "We women are endowed with terrible power, but it is our only protection.

Her hair was undressed. Its colour could not be distinguished. It was long and tangled, and had been tucked into her garment behind, for convenience. Corpang looked calm and sullen, but both the others were visibly agitated. Maskull's heart was hammering away under his chest. Haunte pulled him, and said, "My head feels as if it were being torn from my shoulders." "What can that mean?"

Haunte came last; grasping the staff which held the upper male stone, he proceeded to erect it, after removing the cap. Maskull then obtained his first near view of the mysterious light, which, by counteracting the forces of Nature, acted indirectly not only as elevator but as motive force.

"Well, no vessel can hold more than its appointed measure." Corpang gave a wry smile. "During your long sleep you appear to have picked up wisdom." "Yes, Corpang, I have met many men, and explored many minds." As they moved off, Maskull remembered Haunte. "Can we not bury that poor fellow?" "By this time tomorrow we shall need burial ourselves. But I do not include Corpang."

Now they passed high above the valley that separated the foothills from the mountains themselves. The boat began an ascent of many thousands of feet and, as the cliffs were near, Haunte had to manoeuvre carefully with the rear light in order to keep clear of them. Maskull watched the delicacy of his movements, not without admiration. A long time went by.

"I have always regarded myself as a man." "Very likely you have; but the test is, do you hate and fear women?" "Why, do you?" Haunte grinned and showed his teeth. "Things are different in Lichstorm.... So you want to see the sights?" "I confess I am curious to see your women, for example, after what you say." "Then I'll introduce you to Sullenbode."

The ordinary licence which everyone but a known merchant was obliged to obtain from a magistrate before he could leave England, in 1595 gave permission with the condition that the traveller "do not haunte or resorte unto the territories or dominions of any foreine prince or potentate not being with us in league or amitie, nor yet wittinglie kepe companie with any parson or parsons evell affected to our State."

Between Sarclash and Adage there is a long ridge very difficult in places. About halfway along the ridge, at the lowest point, lies the top of the Mornstab Pass, which goes through to Barey. Now you know the lay of the land." "Does the woman Sullenbode live near here?" "Near enough." Haunte grinned.

"And I cannot wait.... the game is started." Soon afterward, by silent consent, they began to walk the ledge, Haunte in front. It was narrow, ascending, and slippery, so that extreme caution was demanded. The way was lighted by the self-luminous snow and rocks. When they had covered about half a mile, Maskull, who went second of the party, staggered, caught the cliff, and finally sat down.

We are now all three together on the same errand which doesn't appear to have struck you yet." "But why this errand at all?" asked Corpang quietly. "Can't you men exercise self-control till you have arrived out of danger?" Haunte fixed him with wild eyes. "No. The phantoms come trooping in on me already." He sat down moodily, but the next minute was up again.