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At last, as the wind fell again, it melted away, weeping most sorrowfully, but so sweetly, that the likes of it was never heard. Sally then went to bed, and the poor woman was so harrished with one thing or another, that at last she fell asleep." "'Twas the Banshee," said Shane Fadh. "Indeed it was nothing else than that same," replied M'Roarkin.

"Oh, an' may the Man above grant that, I pray Jamini this day! for are not we harrished out of our lives, scrapin' an' scramblin' for the black thieves, what we ought to put on our backs, an' into our own mouths. When a lad from the humblest classes resolves to go to Munster as a poor scholar, there is but one course to be pursued in preparing his outfit.

"Every sowl in the townland of Ballymackt 'ud; and there's the upshot. But it's all Mr. Hickman, sir; for he tould them 'I will have none of this work, says he; 'the tenants musn't be harrished and fleeshed in this manner, says he. "I told you before, sirra, that I will have nothing offensive to him mentioned in my presence. Give this letter to Mr.

We knew he only wanted to come at the thruth, an' thin he'd back us agin the villain that harrished us! To the divil wid skamin' upstarts, that hasn't the ould blood 'in thim! What are they but sconces an' chates, every one o' thim, barrin' an odd one, for a wondher!" The Colonel's estate now presented a scene of gladness and bustle.

"Why, this: I'm harrished by what I've done for every one; an' an' the short and the long of it is, that I've naither male nor money to throw away. I couldn't afford it and I can't. I'm a rogue, Mrs. Dalton a miser, an extortioner, an ungrateful knave, and everything that is bad an' worse than another; an' for that raison, I say, I have naither male nor money to throw away.

Sure, it's a gambler he is, they say; an' we must be harrished an' racked to support his villany! But wait a bit; maybe there's a good time comin', when we'll pay our money to thim that won't be too proud to hear our complaints wid their own ears, an' who won't turn us over to a divil's limb of an agent. He had need, anyhow, to get his coffin sooner nor he thinks.

"That's ditto repated," responded Jemmy; "you're improvrn' but tell me now do you know any one that he harrished?" "Who did you ever know that he harrished, i' you please?" "Look at the Daltons," replied the other; "what do you call his conduct to them?"