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Into Lastman's keeping came the young man, Rembrandt Harmens. Lastman received him cordially, and set him to work. But the boy proved hard to manage: he had his own ideas about how portraits should be painted. Lastman tried to unlearn him. The master was patient, and endeavored hard to make the young man paint as he should that is, as Lastman did; but the result was not a success.

But she was loyal, more than loyal, to Rembrandt: she lived but to serve him and sought to protect his interests in every way. When summoned before the elders of the church to answer for her conduct, she appeared, pleaded guilty and shocked the company by declaring, "I would rather go to Hell with Rembrandt Harmens than play a harp in Heaven, surrounded by such as you!"

Rembrandt Harmens worked in his father's mill, but never strained his back. He was healthy, needlessly healthy, and was as smart as his brothers and sisters, but no smarter, and no better looking. He was exceedingly self-contained, and would sit and dream at his desk in the grammar-school, looking out straight in front of him just at nothing.

Then when we find names with a final ending of "s," such as Robbins, Larkins and Perkins, we are to understand that the owner is the son of his father. And so we find Rembrandt Harmenszoon in his later years writing his name Harmensz and then simply Harmens. Mynheer Harmen Gerritszoon's windmill ground exceeding small, and the product found a ready market.