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There are more than enough freshies to go round this year." After a little further talk, Jane and Judith went back to their room. "What do you think about it?" Judith asked abruptly the instant they were behind their own door. "I don't know. It's probably as Ethel says, 'a happen-so. I can't think of any other reason, unless " Jane stopped and eyed Judith steadily.

It does not mean carelessness or indifference. Just to let things go and say, “Oh, I guess it will come out all right,” is not trusting. Just drifting heedlessly with the tide is not trust. Neglect is not trust. Trust is something positive. It is a real something, not a mere happen-so or maybe-so. It is a definite attitude of soul and mind, a realization of our own need and of God’s sufficiency.

This young life was innocent of anything which suggested routine; order for him was a happen-so or an of-course result of his mother's or John's efforts; the details necessary for neatness were never allowed to ruffle his ease nor to interfere with his impulses. The Stoneleighs' home was a generous pile, locally magnificent, but our young scion's fine, front room was perennially a clutter.

"This ain't no happen-so, Mr. Lidgerwood," he said, when he got up. "The spikes are pulled!" Lidgerwood said nothing. There are discoveries which are beyond speech. But he stooped to examine for himself. Groner was right. For a distance of eight or ten feet the rail had been loosened, and the spikes were gone out of the corresponding cross-ties.

"'Tis only a happen-so, Misther Eckstein. Merriam owns a mine or two in the Copah, and ye know the fever: a man can't keep away from thim." "That may be; but it's a cursed unlucky combination, just the same. I tell you, Brian, he knows too much this fellow Merriam. He knew what was up when he was steering Frisbie. You told him too much.

"Let it not, my dear sir it was only a dream." "But the coincidence!" "True, it is a strange one; but only think, my dear sir, how many dreams you might have many dreams you have had, or may have hereafter, in which there has been, and will be, no coincidence. It is merely a happen-so, my dear sir." "No no, Barnwell. I cannot believe it.

Happen-so," and from the humility of gratitude she went to the extreme of impudence, and laughed in his face a ringing, brazen laugh, with the wild sweetness in it which he had noted in the song she sang on that November hillside. "You're a caution, little man, you're a caution," she said, slanting her lashes. "You certainly are. I've heard of you. Yes, I have, only this morning.

The harbor master, not knowing what to say, took a step away from her, came back, and, looking into her pale face, cried out, horror-struck, "I damned ye." He dropped on his knees. "Poor girl! I damned ye out and out." "Hold your horses, Mr. Happen-so," said Cad Sills. "There's no harm in that. I was damned and basted good and brown before you ever took me across your little checkered apron."

All it does is give evidence that your friend and partner will be on the job when the bailiff yells oyez, oyez, oyez. Otherwise, they 'll take the mine away from you and sell it at public sale for the price of the bond. But that's a happen-so of the future.

Marjorie asked, giving her wealth of curly hair a final touch before the mirror. "Yes; but it's just a happen-so. Most of them were dressed for the auspicious occasion when I arrived on the scene. Their suits were suitable, so I beat it back here in a hurry. Please tie my sash for me, Marjorie, while I labor some more with my aggravating hair.