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E's not exactly a trained vallet, but Mosha Powl, the Viscount's gentleman, 'ave give him the benefick of a few lessons, and it is 'oped that he may give sitisfection. Hanythink that you may require, if you will be so good as to mention the same to Rowley, I will make it my business myself, sir, to see you sitisfied." So saying, the eminent and already detested Mr.

By dint of much exertion and more splashing, he presently ranged alongside in answer to my hail. "Wo't a haccident then?" he inquired. "Something of the sort," I nodded. "Will you be so kind as to tow us to the bank yonder?" "Hanythink to hoblige!" he grinned, and having made fast the painter, proceeded to splash us to terra-firma.

"No, I wasn't," replied the man, with a glance of contempt. "Sorry for that," returned Bobby, "'cause I'm in want of a sitivation." "What can you do?" asked the man. "Oh! hanythink." "Ah, I thought so; I don't want hands who can do anything, I prefer those who can do something." Bobby Frog resumed his whistling, at the exact bar where he had left off, and went on his way.

'That 'ere 'arth-stone, sir: Some idiot must have put a scaffold pole on it and cracked it right down the middle, and it's thick enough you'd think to stand hanythink. Geoffrey was silent for quite a minute, and then said in a constrained voice and with much gentler manner: 'Tell your people that I am not going on with the work in the hall at present.

"Go in, Davy, he can't stand it long," gasped Joe. "No fears of 'im," replied Davy, with a smile, as he prepared to enter the window; "Ned can stand hanythink a'most. But, I say, send up some more 'ands. It takes two on us to 'old that 'ere branch, you know."

And there's Mr Kennedy's gray mare, wot's a standin' of beside me, she ain't skittish a bit, though she's plenty of spirit, and wouldn't care hanythink for a five-barred gate. Now, wot I want to know is, wot's the reason why?"

I'm bound to tell you, sir, that I'm on'y a groom in a Hinglish family, and makes no pretence to be hanythink else, though circumstances 'as putt me in a false position since I come 'ere. I 'ope your Pashaship won't think me ungracious, sir, but I can't a-bear to sail under false colours."

Tom Brown uttered a wild cheer of delight on reading this brief and business-like epistle, and his curious landlady immediately answered to the shout by entering and wishing to know "if he had called and if he wanted hanythink?" "No, Mrs Pry, I did not call; but I ventured to express my feelings in regard to a piece of good news which I have just received." "La, sir!"

"You're like Cassandra, Jack," I observed, to fill up the pause which marked Dave's discomfiture. "That bloke as spoke las', 'e's got more hunder 'is 'at nor a six-'underd-an'-fo'ty-hacre paddick full o' sich soojee speciments as you fellers," said the old man impressively. "Wich o' you knows hanythink about Cassandra? Hin 'twenty-six hit war, an' hit seems like las' week.

Wiggins, rendered more pacific by her breakfast. "Don't you want me to wash up the dishes and put 'em away? I know how." "Hi'll try ye. Hif ye breaks hanythink " and the old woman nodded volumes at the child. "I'll be back in a minute," said Jane. A moment later she met Holcroft carrying two pails of milk from the barnyard.