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Suppose an inquiring gardener, or a restless cousin, should presently loom through the fog, bearing down upon me? Suppose Fraulein Wundermacher should pounce upon me suddenly from behind, coming up noiselessly in her galoshes, and shatter my castles with her customary triumphant "Fetzt halte ich dich aber fest!" Why, what was I thinking of?

But it very soon became evident that the foraging party if it were a foraging party did desire to overtake us. They put on more speed; so did we. Then came loud shouts of "Halte!" These producing no effect, several pistol shots were fired. "Dios mio!" said Carmen; "they will rouse the camp, and the road will be barred.

In the midst of his gallop of talk, however, the old man suddenly stopped, took off his hat, and running one excited hand through his bristling tufts of grey hair pointed to Ancrum with the other. 'Halte la! he said, 'I know what your young rascal has been after. I know, and I'll be bound you don't. Trust a lover for hoodwinking a priest. Come along here.

"Halte l

As we step through the gateway into the street, the man turns right about face and we are seen. "Halte! Quien vive?" he cried. "Friends." "Advance, friends, and give the countersign." "As you see, I am a friar. I have been shriving a condemned prisoner. You surely do not expect me to give the countersign!" said Carmen, going close up to him. "Certainly not, padre. But who is that with you?"

She daren't come where we are, for she'd be ripped to pieces on the reef, and she knows that." "Hark! They've spotted us. She's hailing!" cried Roger Broom. "Halte! halte!" came harshly across the moonlit space of water, as, obedient to Dalahaide's quick hint, the course of the launch was changed. The three fugitives were mute, and again a raucous cry broke the silence of the sea.

"And in the middle of all that our silhouettes of carbines, casques and sacs. "Absolute silence. "We stop we advance and suddenly in the dawn which has begun, we arrive at our destination the execution ground. "'Cannoniers halte! Couvres sur deux. A droite alignement." "A rattle of arms. And there in front of us, at hardly fifteen yards, we catch sight of the post.

The darkness was almost palpable. It seemed to press against one's eyeballs like a velvet mask. My nerves were so on edge with a sense of the uncanny silence and invisibility that I started violently at the sound of a quiet voice speaking three inches from my ear. "Halte! Qui va la?"

The words signifying the parts of the human body, or things of daily use, and which have nothing in common with Latin or German, are in old Gaulish or Celtic, such as tête, jambe, sabre, pointe, aller, parler, écouter, regarder, aboyer, crier, coutume, ensemble, and many others of this kind. Most of the terms of war were Frank or German: Marche, halte, maréchal, bivouac, reitre, lansquenet.

I heard the tramp of their feet in the road, as they marched, in sections, to their various cantonnements. I put a clean cap over my tousled hair, slipped into a wadded gown and was ready just as I heard the "Halte," which said that my section had arrived.