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'I can guarantee to repay you, sir I've a half-written play as security... "I shall never forget his glassy stare. His face had grown as smooth as an egg-shell again his eyes peered over his fat cheeks like sentinels over a slippery rampart. "'A half-written play a play of YOURS as security? He looked at me almost fearfully, as if detecting the first symptoms of insanity.

He further asserted that twice, when this woman opened the door, he distinctly saw a letter half-written, and every evidence of an eagerness to hide it from observation.

When some time had passed he came back to chair and table, inkwell and pen, and a half-written letter. The quill drove on: ... None could do better by the estate than you not I nor any other. So I beg of you to stay, dear Strickland, who have stayed by us so long! There followed a page of business detail inquiries expressed wishes. Glenfernie paused.

If she ever married, it would be for wealth and position, as the world counted such things, but never a man lord or commoner who did not come to her with the light of pure witchery in his eyes. She remembered, smiling down at the half-written letter to her New York agent, how that light had shone in the honest eyes of a young officer of the ship in which she had sailed from America to Europe.

"I have no doubt, Sir Percy," replied Chauvelin ironically, "that you have all your marvellous faculties entirely at your command.... I must apologize for disturbing your papers," he added, replacing the half-written page on the table, "I thought perhaps that if the letter was ready ..."

He had a vague impression that he had seen something like it before, but could not remember where or in what connection. He put it back in his drawer, and as he did so his eyes fell upon his half-written article for the Modernist and on the piles of correspondence beside it. A sense of bitter helplessness overcame him, a pang not for himself so much as for his cause.

It was not till Ralph Peden had returned to the study of the manse of the Marrow kirk of Dullarg, and the colour induced by exercise had had time to die out of his naturally pale cheeks, that he remembered that he had left his Hebrew Bible and Lexicon, as well as a half-written exegesis on an important subject, underneath the fatal whin bush above the bridge over the Grannoch water.

He further asserted that twice, when this woman opened the door, he distinctly saw a letter half-written, and every evidence of an eagerness to hide it from observation.

I don't think you could alter a word here without spoiling the sense. It reads better aloud than when I was writing it." "Charlie, you're suffering from an alarming disease afflicting a numerous class. Put the thing by, and tackle it again in a week." "I want to do it at once. What do you think of it?" "How can I judge from a half-written tale? Tell me the story as it lies in your head."

"No bad news I hope, ma'am?" said the young fellow anxiously, as his half-written letter fluttered to the ground, and Christie sat looking at that fateful strip of paper with all the strength and color stricken out of her face by the fear that fell upon her. "It might be worse. They told me he was dying once, and when I got to him he met me at the door.