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"When the time shall come for a decision," returned the half-pleased and yet half-offended subject of his allusion, "it may be necessary to call upon very different counsellors for advice. I hear the step of my uncle. Captain Ludlow, I leave it to your discretion to meet him, or not." The heavy footstep was approaching through the outer rooms of the pavilion.

Mademoiselle had stopped typing, and the ledger clerk at the desk behind her had also ceased work and sat listening; but after a moment Mademoiselle threw a little smile towards them a half-pleased, half-deprecating little smile, as of one who shows a visitor something interesting, something one is glad to show, and then resumed her clicking on the typewriter.

For some time after finishing Neil's letter Bessie staid by the window, very still and thoughtful, with a half-pleased, half-troubled look in her young face. She was thinking of Neil's projected visit, and planning how she could make him comfortable, and his friend.

She needed the theory to explain a certain moral irritation by which she was often visited; though, if this explanation was unsound, a deeper analyst than I must give the right one. Having launched our hero upon the current which was bearing him so rapidly along, she appeared but half-pleased at its swiftness.

Avery would fain have stopped to greet the child, but Piers would not be persuaded. "No, no! To-morrow!" he said. "The honeymoon isn't over till after to-night." So they waved and were gone, at a speed which made Miss Whalley wonder what the local police could be about. Once past the lodge-gates and Marshall's half-grudging, half-pleased smile of welcome, the speed was doubled.

Take care of the cheese, Fanny. Now I can manage the other parcel and the basket very well." "What else have you been spunging?" said Maria, half-pleased that Sotherton should be so complimented. "Spunging, my dear! It is nothing but four of those beautiful pheasants' eggs, which Mrs. Whitaker would quite force upon me: she would not take a denial.

"And you?" she asked. "I shall sit beside you and use the other oar," he answered nonchalantly, smiling down at her. With a half-pleased feeling of discomfiture Ruth seated herself in the stern, whereupon Kemp sat in the contested throne. "You will have to excuse my turning my back on you, Mrs. Levice," he said pleasantly.

Sah-luma looked after her with a pretty, half-pleased perplexity. "She is often thus!" he said in a tone of playful resignation, "As I told thee, Theos, women are butterflies, hovering hither and thither on uneasy pinions, uncertain of their own desires.

The man who drove sat proudly on top of the load; the horses danced and pricked up their ears, while the village children, who were allowed to climb upon the sheaves, sat there laughing and shrieking, half-pleased, half-frightened. But here the great logs were drawn up and down steep hills; here the poor horses must be worked to their limit, and the driver must often be in peril.

One would think we had been brought up in a fever country; yet in England the most malarious districts are in the bedchambers. I felt saddened at this defection, and yet half-pleased to have the night so quietly to myself. The wind had hauled a little ahead on the starboard bow, and was dry but chilly. I found a shelter near the fire-hole, and made myself snug for the night.