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We must surely have changed heads during that concussion! No matter, there is some sense left in us yet. Come now, Captain, consider a little, if you can. Weren't we both half-killed by the shock? Didn't I rescue you from certain death with these two hands? Don't you see Barbican's shoulder still bleeding by the violence of the shock?"

Since her husband's execution, the woman said, she had had to become the mistress of the sergeant-major who resided with her as the only means, seemingly, of saving her one remaining young son from exile in Germany and her daughters from unbearably brutal treatment; though she added, "As to their virtue, that has long since vanished; all I ask is that they be not half-killed whenever the soldiers get drunk.

Did it happen that she awoke from her first sleep with the ring of ghastly shrieking in her ears, that was an incident of too common occurrence to cause her more than a brief curiosity; she could wait till the morning to hear who had half-killed whom. To the amazement and indignation of the Gardens, Mrs.

Little Jack and little Jill rub their dirty knuckles into their little eyes, looking ruefully at their bloody little knees, and trot back with the pail. We laugh at them, but not ill-naturedly. "Poor little souls," we say; "how they did hullabaloo. One might have thought they were half-killed. And it was only a broken crown, after all. What a fuss children make!"

His wife gave a shriek of joy when he came in, and then burst into tears, for she was tired and very frightened. But her husband did not understand why she wept, and he was tired and bruised from his climb, and a little cross too. 'You give me but a sorry welcome, grumbled he, 'when I have half-killed myself to get to you.

"I thought I'd be half-killed." "Those ponies were not so wild as those used yesterday," answered Dave. "Not but that they were bad enough," he continued, with a smile. Sid Todd had remained to hold the pony ridden by Phil and had then been called away to attend to some business at another part of the ranch. He had told Yates to help the boys.

Then, as though propelled by one shock, they cut for the wood at dazzling speed. A minute and they were in the distance as tufts of hair blown before a storm-wind. The half-killed weakling sought shelter more slowly in another direction. "Well done, Cy!" "Congratulations, old man!" "You've got a trophy now. You'll never leave this splendid head behind. My eye, what antlers!"

The nuptials were performed in a most splendid manner, and the young prince and princess lived together happily many years, beloved by all around them. LONG ago there lived a monarch, who was such a very, honest man that his subjects entitled him the Good King. One day, when he was out hunting, a little white rabbit, which had been half-killed by his hounds, leaped right into his majesty's arms.

"Why don't you club together, and every time you see one of the Hillers, go to work and thrash him like blazes? I guess, after you had half-killed two or three of them, they would learn to let things alone." "I guess they would, too," said one of the boys. "Suppose we get up a company of fifteen or twenty fellows," resumed Charles, "and see how it works.

"In spite of his discomfitures, he could not doubt and Prelati, half-killed, must have doubted even less that if Satan pleased, they should finally find this powder which would load them with riches and even render them almost immortal for at that epoch the philosopher's stone passed not only for an agent in the transmutation of base metals, such as tin, lead, copper, into noble metals like silver and gold, but also for a panacea curing all ailments and prolonging life, without infirmities, beyond the limits formerly assigned to the patriarchs.