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Trust in the young white men who led them, and perhaps some dim half-idolatrous faith in a mysterious Sovereign across the seas, whose soldiers they were, and who would surely protect them, restored their fainting strength. The fighting continued. During the whole time of the siege the difficulty of maintaining signalling communication with the Malakand was extreme.

For his king as the political head of the nation, the Puritan had all the Englishman's half-idolatrous reverence, until James's own acts outraged justice and substituted contempt. The self-restraint for which every Separatist, every Puritan, strove, was characteristic of the great reform party.

These anecdotes bear indirectly on the ruling qualities of Michael Angelo qualities so integral that they are wrought into his marble and painted on his canvas proud independence and energy. Before going farther I wish to guard against a common misapprehension of Michael Angelo that he was a haughty, arrogant man, absolutely narrow in his half-idolatrous, half-human worship of art.

But I would that any satirist had watched with me the good offices of these Florence Nightingales of the West, as they tripped upon merciful errands, like good angels, and left paths of sunshine behind them. The soldiers had seen none of their countrywomen for months, and they followed these ambassadors with looks half-idolatrous, half-downcast, as if consciously unworthy of so tender regard.

James had not shrunk from meddling busily in the divorce or from countenancing the bridal. Before scenes such as these the half-idolatrous reverence with which the sovereign had been regarded throughout the age of the Tudors died away into abhorrence and contempt.