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She was also pretty, in a rough, half-finished sort of fashion, and had no cast in her eyes. Hannah privately considered that as against her. Harry began sipping his coffee, which Hannah had set down with such impetus that she spilled a good deal in the saucer, and he looked uneasily at her. "What do you mean, Hannah?" he asked.

Acres of white tents flashed into view; houses and negro cabins became thicker; brick houses, too, appeared at intervals, then half-finished blocks fronting the dusty roads, then rows and lines of dwellings, and street after street swarming with negroes and whites. And before they realised it they had arrived.

Half-finished Dolls, Jumping Jacks that could not yet leap, Jacks in Boxes that could not yet spring out, trains of cars that could not yet run all these were laid aside, together with toys completely made, so that the little men might rest themselves. "Come to the lunch room and get some hot chocolate and some frosted cake," said Santa Claus, and away trooped the jolly little men.

The crowd was quick to catch the courteous intention of the victors, and followed them with applause as far beyond the village borders as wind and limb would allow; but the last noisy boy had dropped off breathless before they reached a half-finished house in the edge of some woods.

That was what it meant, and he who was proudly conscious of having succeeded thus, could well afford to regard the lives of others as half-finished and imperfect; he alone was at one with himself, his life alone was a harmonious whole. To Maurice Guest, all this mattered little or not at all; it was merely the unavoidable introduction.

In one corner stood a painter's easel, with the half-finished sketch of a beaver on the paper; in the other lay the skin of an American panther.

Everything went, freely given, to their construction; the benches of the Scala, the beds of the young seminarists, the court carriages, found hidden in a disused church, building materials of the half-finished Palazzo d'Adda, grand pianofortes, valuable pieces of artistic furniture, and the old kitchen table of the artisan. Before the end of the fight the barricades numbered 1523.

Graham motioned toward the desk. "Very well. I shan't bother with that now. An investigating team can check that." Morely took a final glance at the half-finished schematic on the drawing board, then circled the bookcases again, to come out into the main room. "We'll inspect the rest of your quarters." At last, Morely left the quarters area, followed by Bond.

The agile leap of the brass band from the half-finished two-step to "Hail to the Chief," suddenly put this out of mind, and he watched the speakers of the evening file up the judge's staircase to the rostrum. With the subsidence of the musicians the Hon. Seneca Bowers aligned himself with the water-pitcher. "How much he looks like Grant!" exclaimed Mrs. Hilliard, with originality.

Beshrew me if I do not take to pot-boiling!" Down by the water-side a lady sat, sketching in water-colours for dear life; around her lay a litter of half-finished works, scattered like autumn leaves in Vallombrosa. I approached her, quite friendly, and offered to gather them up for her at least some of them, saying soothingly, for I saw she was in a temper