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Piedras Negras. Characteristic Scene. A Barren Prairie Land. Castaño, a Native Village. Adobe Cabins. Indian Irrigation. Sparsely Populated Country. Interior Haciendas. Immigration. City of Saltillo. Battle of Buena Vista. City of Monterey. The Cacti and Yucca-Palm. Capture by General Taylor. Mexican Central Railroad. Jack-Rabbits. A Dreary Region. The Mesquite Bushes. Lonely Graves.

They will cut their way through thick chaparral, kill and cut up beef cattle, split wood, fight men or animals, and on the whole it's about the most useful tool there is in a Mexican camp or hacienda." "What's that?" asked Ned. "Any kind of farm with a house on it," said the señor. "You may have to learn all about haciendas before you get home." "Just what I'd like to do," said Ned.

The ruins and the heaps of rubbish manifest that in other times there was much activity in the labor of the mines and haciendas for separating the metals; but to-day there are only in existence some furnaces, which are the least costly, which the miners of Coahuila can use for their metals. This they effect generally in ovens, and in galemes in the open plain.

But after the Chamorristas were worsted, mainly by strength of Walker's Californians, and General Walker had broken with Rivas, and set up for President of Nicaragua himself, almost all the natives of any name or property had deserted him. However, many of them remained on their haciendas, and took no part in the struggle on either side.

After clearing Rivas, we clattered over the road at a fast pace, rousing all the dogs at the haciendas as we passed, and leaving them baying behind us, until we came to where the Potosí road forked off to the right; thenceforward, fearing an ambush, we rode slowly and with great caution, stopping often to dismount and reconnoitre moon-lit fields beyond the roadside hedges.

With the exception of the Tagno Indians, few survived to tell of that horrid massacre. A few whites only the unhappy father of Catalina among the rest were permitted to escape, and carry their broken fortunes to another settlement. That of San Ildefonso town, Presidio, mission, haciendas, and ranchos in the short space of twelve hours had ceased to exist.

I was myself shown the house in Los Angeles where the story was written, and so strong is the local impression that I confess to looking at the rose-embowered cottage with a good deal of interest, though I had seen the romance growing day by day in the Berkeley in New York. It is almost the only one remaining of the old-fashioned Spanish haciendas, where the old administration prevails.

We see vineyards and grand haciendas. These appear richer and more prosperous as we approach the southern part of the province, the Rio Abajo. In the distance, both east and west, we descry dark mountains rolled up against the sky. These are the twin ranges of the Rocky Mountains. Long spurs trend towards the river, and in places appear to close up the valley.

White villages and substantial haciendas glistened in the woodlands; roads broad and well-travelled crossed the level; and in the clear atmosphere of those lofty altitudes the vast size of the city was plainly visible.

But get under your blankets, lads, for I'll call you for a turkey breakfast about dawn." During our trip into Mexico the fall before, Deweese contracted for three thousand cows at two haciendas on the Rio San Juan. Early in the spring June and I returned to receive the cattle. The ranch outfit under Uncle Lance was to follow some three weeks later and camp on the American side at Roma, Texas.