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Who do you think he was?" "How should I know?" replied the haciendado. "Tiburcio, the adopted son of the famous gambusino, Marcos Arellanos." "How! his mother dead! I am sorry. He is a brave youth, and I have not forgotten the service he once did me. But for him we should all have been dead of thirst, my daughter, my people, and myself.

It seemed as though the young girl feared the approach of a moment, in which she might be required to renounce those sweet dreams of the past, for the reality of a future she dared not contemplate. When the stranger was also seated the haciendado addressed him.

"I need not detail," resumed the narrator, "the dangers of every kind, nor the various combats in which we were engaged since our departure. Headed by a chief who inspired us with boundless confidence, we shared his perils cheerfully." "Poor Don Estevan!" murmured the haciendado.

I dream of conquering a kingdom and that kingdom once conquered, I, a simple gentleman, intend to present it to the true heir of the Spanish monarchy Don Carlos de Bourbon! "Now, do you believe, Senor Senator, that Don Estevan de Arechiza has the power to bestow upon others, and without regretting it, the beauty and wealth of the daughter of a Mexican haciendado?"

However, notwithstanding his self-satisfaction, and his confidence in the future, the Senator could not fail to remark the grave reserve of Don Augustin's manner. He thought himself at liberty to remark it. "Don Estevan de Arechiza, the Duke of Armada, is no more," said the haciendado; "both you and I have lost a dear and noble friend."

It was not until after reiterated requests orders they might almost be called that Don Augustin consented to be seated in the presence of the other whereas the Spaniard had flung himself into a fauteuil on the moment of entering the chamber, and with the most perfect abandon. The haciendado waited silently for Don Estevan to speak.

Don Augustin awaited with the greatest impatience, the return of Gayferos; but they sought him in vain. He had disappeared. We shall presently explain the motive of his departure. Almost at the same moment in which the haciendado and his daughter were informed of it, another attendant entered to announce that Tragaduros was dismounting in the court-yard of the hacienda.

"To-morrow I shall tell you all, my father." The good haciendado did indeed require the explanation of this mystery, when he was left in ignorance of the chief fact concerning it. "We have another duty to fulfil," continued he; "the last wish expressed by Don Antonio, on parting from me, was that you should be united to the Senator Tragaduros.

One hot June morning found Gloria and Philip far in the hills on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande. They had started at dawn with the intention of breakfasting with the courtly old haciendado, who frequently visited at the Post.

"Yes," answered the haciendado, "Don Estevan de Arechiza has sent me word that he will arrive this evening with a somewhat numerous train, and I have taken measures to entertain a guest of such importance. But you say you wish to speak to me about some business what is it, Friar Jose Maria?"