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"Shoo! dat dey ain't! I done seed an' I knows." "Well, how do you know?" "How you tell w'en crow gwineter light? Niggers bin prom'nadin' by my house all dis summer, holdin' dere heads high up an' de w'ites er dere eyeballs shinin' in de sun. Dey wuz too bigitty fer ter look over de gyardin' palm's.

"The house is open day an' night, she sez, wid a laugh; an' Love- o'-Women ducked his head an' hild up his hand as tho' he was gyardin'. The Power was on him still it hild him up still, for, by my sowl, as I'll never save ut, he walked up the verandah steps that had been a livin' corpse in hospital for a month!

Close scrutiny of Perkins showed that the signal had no significance to him. "Miss Lou," resumed Chunk, "dere's not'n fer you but ter walk right down de road ter de fire, berry quiet like, put yo' finger on yo' lips ter Perkins so he tink you 'bout ter play de debil trick, en' den lead Marse Scoville into de gyardin. Ef Perkins foller, I foller 'im. My hoss down by de run en we git off dat away."

"Don't say it, Miss Ann, don't say it! Buck Hill air sho' the gyardin spot er all our visitations. What put you in min' er movin' on?" "I overheard, without meaning to in the least, but they spoke quite loudly I overheard Cousin Milly talking on the subject with some of the others at the ball and I am afraid we are not welcome here."

I slept at the end of the hall." "Then enybody could git 'em en put 'em back while you wuz asleep." "She couldn't knock you senseless. You're talking wild." "I've schemed that out. Thar's tracks in the gyardin not so blinded but they kin give a hint ter a blind hoss. Thar's a track nigh whar I fell mighty like what that infernal nigger Chunk ud make.

She said nothing, and he went on slowly, lingering upon the words as if he loved the prospect they conjured up. "We-uns will hev the gyardin an' orchard, an' pastur' an' woods-lot an' fields, ter tend ter, an' the cows an' bees, an' the mare an' filly, an' peegs an' poultry, ter look arter. An' the house air all tight, the roof an' all in good repair, an' we-uns will have it all ter ourselves."

I left the kittles fur a minnit ter run down the gyardin walk, ter see how my bed o' pinks wuz comin' out, an' I sung ez I run. "Jest then a passel o' men come stringin' up the road ter the bars. They looked like some o' them that Kunnel Pennington tuck 'way with him, but they rid better critters then any o' them ever hed, an' they were dressed in a sorter soljer-cloze, an' all o' 'em toted guns.

We kin go troo de gyardin end de bushes till we mos' whar we kin see Marse Scoville. Mebbe hit berry much plainer w'at ter do arter we get out en look roun'. I hab a ladder yere en you git down mighty easy." "Yes, that's the best way. I wish to take no risks of being seen till after I make my attempt." Zany reconnoitred the hall. No one was in sight. Even Mrs.

An' how she looked the fust day she stood in the door o' my cabin up thar kem ter nuss Elmiry through that spell she hed o' the scarlet fever. An' arterward she says ter me: 'Ye do manage s'prisin', Justus; an' I be goin' ter save ye some gyardin seed out'n my patch this year, an' ef ye'll plough my patch I'll loan ye my horse-critter ter plough your'n.

You don' mean ter tell me dat you's got 'nuf apple-trees in your little gyardin fur ter shake down three bar'ls o' apples." "Now look a-heah, Brudder 'Bijah," said Grandison, his eyes sparkling with righteous indignation, "dat's too much 'to 'spec' ob a man who's got ter work all day to s'port his wife an' chillun. I digs, an' I plows, an' I plants, an' I hoes.