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"A confessor must not immediately believe a woman's words," says Father Gury, "for women are habitually inclined to lie."

Those who may wish to study the casuistry of the Jesuits, as it appears in their own works, are referred to two of the most important and comparatively late authorities: Liguori's "Theologia Moralis," and Gury's "Compendium Theologioe Moralis" and "Casus Conscientiæ." Gury was Professor of Moral Theology in the College Romain, the Jesuits' College in Rome.

In philosophy, Cominbricenses, Liberatore. In moral philosophy, Busenbaum, Gury, Toledo, Ballerini, Layman, Lehmkuhl, Genicot. In asceticism, Alvarez de Paz, Gaudier, Rodriguez, Scaramelli, Grou. The Spiritual Exercises comprise a whole library. Father Watragan has written a work merely to record the editions and commentaries on these Exercises. St.

We first proceeded down the stream to the sea as far as Katcherie, and on the following day we rounded Mud Point, and entered the Sonderbunds, where we beat about as far as Culna. From there we proceeded up the Gury, a large tributary stream flowing into the Ganges below Rumpurbolea.

Gury states that a priest interrupting the office between the verses of a psalm is not bound to repeat the entire psalm on resuming the recitation, as he says each verse has its own signification. May Matins be said separately from Lauds without any excusing cause? Yes, for it was the practice of the early Church to say these parts of the liturgy at times separated by intervals.

On the approach of the steamer, several started up, affrighted by the noise, and glided hastily into the dirty yellow stream. The different branches of the Sonderbunds and the Gury are often so narrow that there is hardly room for two vessels to pass each other; while, on the other hand, they frequently expand into lakes that are miles across.

Wheatley, vol. vii, p. 10. Lombroso and Ferrero, La Donna Delinquente; cf. Havelock Ellis, Man and Woman, fourth edition, p. 196. Gury, Théologie Morale, art. 381. It has been set out, for instance, by Professor Wahrmund in Ehe und Eherecht, 1908.