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He called the picture a "Bank-note, not to be imitated." It at once created a great sensation. Crowds blocked the street in front of the shop where it was hung. The pictures were in such demand that Cruikshank sat up all night to etch another plate. The Gurneys, Wilberforce, Sir Samuel Romilly, Sir James Mackintosh, all worked vigorously against capital punishment, save, possibly, for murder.

"They live off of those acres at the back of the house since that. You see? Corn, potatoes, buckwheat, good yield." "Who oversees the planting?" sharply. McKinstry wondered vaguely at the little Doctor's curious interest in the Gurneys, but went on with his torpid, slow answers. "That eldest girl, I believe, Grey. Cow there, you see, and ducks. He's popular, old Father Gurney.

The trouble is, to find out how many teams we can get up," said George Desbrasy. "Well, the Gurneys are all going, but they cannot take any but their own crowd, and there are several ladies we must find room for amongst us somehow," said Fred Beverly. "Well, I have to drive mother and sis, but I have one spare seat. Will you accept the seat beside me, Miss Gussie?" said young Desbrasy.

There's an insurance, and there's some savings, and there's some commission money owing from the firm, and there's a bit investment Mr. There's altogether about six hundred pound. You'll get the interest of it for the children; it'll go into Gurneys', and they'll give five per cent. for it. Mr. Gurney's been very kind. He came here yesterday, and he's got it all. You go to him.

They are connected with all the large Quaker circle, the Gurneys, Frys, &c., and also with Buxton the Abolitionist. It is droll to hear them talking of all the common topics of science, literature, and life, and in the midst of it: 'Does thou know Wordsworth? or, 'Did thou see the Coronation? or 'Will thou take some refreshment? They are very kind and pleasant people to know."

Fry presented to the King her husband, eight daughters and daughters-in-law, seven sons, and twenty-five grandchildren, with other relatives, Gurneys, Buxtons, and Pellys an English family scene much enjoyed by the Prussian guest.

This old stone house, shaggy with vines, its bloody script of Indian warfare hushed down and covered with modern fruit-trees and sunflowers, this fort, and the Gurneys within it, stood out in the bare swamped stretch of the man's years, their solitary bit of enchantment.

The Fry family, like that of the Gurneys, had long been members of the Society of Friends; but unlike her own parents, they had adhered strictly to the tenets and the habits of Quakers. She thus came to be surrounded by a large circle of new connexions, different from her own early associates at Norwich.

"Well, that isn't much of a crime, Joe. I never had time to do those highly enjoyable things and I couldn't afford them. When I could afford them and had time to do them I was too old. You say the boy is fond of yachting?" "It's his greatest hobby. In his taste for salt water he at least resembles his ancestors. The Gurneys were all sailors and shipping men." "Is he a good yachtsman, Joe?"

Carvings on the walls brought over the mountains, when to bring them by panels was a two-months' journey. There's queer stories hang about these old Pennsylvania homesteads." "Bradford? The Gurneys are a new family here, then?" "Came here but a few years back, from a country farther up the mountains. They're different from us." "How, different?" with a keen, surprised glance.