United States or Guatemala ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But he had promptly ceased to cry. And then, as she held him close to her in the darkness, suddenly Jims laughed a real, gurgly, chuckly, delighted, delightful laugh. "Oh, you dear little thing!" exclaimed Rilla. "Are you so pleased at finding you're not all alone, lost in a huge, big, black room?" Then she knew she wanted to kiss him and she did.

The best word in that list, and the most musical and gurgly, is Woolloomoolloo. It is a place near Sydney, and is a favorite pleasure-resort. It has eight O's in it. To succeed in the other trades, capacity must be shown; in the law, concealment of it will do. Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar. MONDAY, December 23, 1895.

If the gleanings were small, he would use the dishwater he was a frugal man and with that for the start-off he would make soup, which the Indians gulped down with great relish and many gurgly sounds. Buddy watched them eat what he called pig-dinner. When Step-and-a-Half was not looking he saw them steal whatever their dirty brown hands could readily snatch and hide under their blankets.

Also they had gay silk handkerchiefs knotted picturesquely around their throats. There was another, a giggly, gurgly lady with gray hair fluffed up into a pompadour. You know the sort. She was the kind who refuses to grow old, and so merely grows imbecile. "Do tell us, Mr. Green," this young old lady urged, displaying much gold by her smile. "It sounds so romantic."

Whoa! get up, sir!" She gave a gurgly cluck, and flapped the lines up and down on Firefly's back, with her elbows high in air. Firefly started meekly off on a jog trot. Mr. Collins looked after them. "Dumb brutes is got heap more sense than humans," he exclaimed. "They understands women.

Hazel at once appropriated the baby. It lay peacefully in her arms, staring wide-eyed, making soft, gurgly sounds. "The little dear!" Hazel murmured. "Lauer, our name iss," the man said casually, when they were seated. "Wagstaff, mine is," Bill completed the informal introduction. "So?" Lauer responded. "Id hass a German sount, dot name, yes." "Four or five generations back," Bill answered.

It was certainly to be expected that one of the thirteen children had fallen in, but no! It was Marmaduke! Down, down, down, he sank in the gurgly brown water. Then he came up, spluttering and choking. "Help, help!" he cried. Then under he went again. But the Round Fat Rosy Woman had seen him.

"Oh yes, indeed," says she, kind of gurgly and aristocratic and as sweet as pie, "that's mine. But you've made so many horrid marks on it that I shall have to do it all over again." "Yes," says he, "I'm afraid that's so. But we have a way here, you know, of spelling explicit with a C instead of an S." "Ruhlly?" says she. "How odd!"

He shuddered, but with averted face hid his grimaces and swallowed his gorge as he put his arm around her dirt-crusted shoulders and felt the contact of her rancidoily and kinky hair with his neck and chin. But he nearly screamed when she succumbed to that caress so at the very first of the courtship and mowed and gibbered and squealed little, queer, pig-like gurgly noises of delight.

That little foot seemed a heap worse, an' he was sort o' flushed an' feverish, an' wife she thought she heard a owl hoot, an' Rover made a mighty funny gurgly sound in his th'oat like ez ef he had bad news to tell us, but didn't have the courage to speak it.