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"Oh, oi see," said Finn, scratching his head reflectively. Perkins took his revelation a trifle too calmly. "You say you don't know this Perkins," he asked. "Well, I never met him," said the ex-candidate, smiling. "But I know him." Finn laughed again. "Oi'll bet ye do; an' oi guiss ye've seen his fa-ace long about shavin'-toime in the mornin' in the lukin'-glash eh?" "Well, yes," smiled Perkins.

"I can guiss; an' it shanna happen again, gin I can help it." "Tell's wha did it, than." "I wonno say names." "He's ane o' them." "The foul thief tak him! "Thae loons are no to be borne wi' ony langer." And he caught Alec by the arm. "I didn't do it," persisted Alec. "Wha killed Rob Bruce's dog?" asked the sutor, squeezing Alec's arm to point the question.

Continuing, he said, "A porter in our establishment, who is an Irishman, came to me the other day, and speaking very confidentially, whispered, 'Sure now, Misthur , you woudn't guiss be me taulk, thit I wus an Irishmin." "Certainly not," said my friend, laughing, when the fellow replied, quite happily, "Whi-thin that's right any how."

Eh! it's a fearfu' an' won'erfu' thing that drawin' o' hert to hert, an' syne a great snap, an' a stert back, an' there's miles atween them! The Lord alane kens the boddom o' 't; but I'm thinkin' there's mair intill't, an' a heap mair to come oot o' 't ere a' be dune, than we hae ony guiss at." Gibbie told her that Glashruach was his.

That wasna deceiving any ane." "Yes, but it was," answered Jimmy. "The Boston man belaved it, and I guiss he hasn't forgiven me, if he did take my hand, and drink with me. You know I haven't had a word from him about that coon skin. I worked awful hard on that skin. Some way, I tried to make it say to him again that I was sorry for that night's work. Sometimes I am afraid I killed the fellow."

"An' ane o' them 's an ill wuman, sure eneuch; but I ken naething aboot the tither only 'at she maun be a leddy, by the w'y the howdy wife spak till her." An' gien ye dinna ken her, that's no rizzon 'at I sudna hae a groff guiss at her by the marks ye read aff o' her. I'll jist hae to tell ye a story sic as an auld wife like me seldom tells till a young man like yersel'."