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It'll be as bad a job this for them as the duck-dub, I'm thinkin." "We hadna muckle to brag o' there oursels, guidwife," interposed her husband, calmly. "See, there," said Mrs. Anderson, either not heeding, or not hearing John's remark.

He had said so much with an infinite sadness, and I read a response in the eyes of more than one of his listeners, the guidwife weeping aloud. But now his voice rose, and he ended with a fiery vigour. "Renounce her I do," he cried, "now and forevermore! Henceforth I am no countryman of yours. And if a day of repentance should come for this evil, remember well what I have said to you."

"Staun aside, guidwife, staun aside," he said; at the same time gently pushing his wife back with his left hand as he spoke. "I'll lay doon the case to his lordship." "Ye'll do nae sic a thing, Thomas; I'll do't," exclaimed Mrs.

He had said so much with an infinite sadness, and I read a response in the eyes of more than one of his listeners, the guidwife weeping aloud. But now his voice rose, and he ended with a fiery vigour. "Renounce her I do," he cried, "now and forevermore! Henceforth I am no countryman of yours. And if a day of repentance should come for this evil, remember well what I have said to you."

And her astonishment was therefore paralyzing when she heard her father say: "But ye maun haud a quaiet tongue i' yer heid, guidwife; for weel as ye like the laddie, ye may blast his character gin ye say a word aboot it." "I s' warran' it's a' ower Glamerton afore it comes to your lugs, Anerew," returned her mother. "They're no that gleg efter sic news.

It was an uncanny thing to keep in the house that. He stared at the fatal spot till he grew eerie in the strange stillness. "Guidwife!" he cried, "Jennet! Don't ye hear?" They did not hear, it seemed. "God!" said he, "they sleep sound after all their misfortunes!" At last partly in impatience, and partly from a wish to pry he opened the door of the parlour.

"Ay! he has most that's needed to make it a very comfortable world. Providence is good " "But sometimes grudging " "But sometimes grudging, as you say; yet MacCailen has got everything. When I see him and her there so content I'm wondering at my own wasted years of bachelordom. As sure as you're there, I think the sooner I draw in at a fire and play my flageolet to the guidwife the better for me."

Isna there the wee room up the stair, wi' a bed in't that micht sair the king himself sheets as white as the driven snaw, and guid stripped druggit curtains just oot o' the mangle?" "Weel, weel, guidwife, ony way ye like as to thae matters," replied Adair; "and I'll awa, in the meantime, and get haud o' the siller. There's gowd yonner for the liftin. Deil o' the like o't ever I saw."

And, with this, Adair hurried out of the room; and, having done this, he hurried his wife into another, and told her of what had just taken place, concluding with a "An', noo, guidwife, what do ye think we should do?" "Tak the siller, to be sure," replied the latter.

He was not a man of talk, and the tears had washed the soot from his face in two white furrows. "Ye'll hae a waught wi' me afore ye gang, John," he said clumsily, "for th' morns we've paddl' 't thegither i' th' Nith." The ale was brought by the guidwife, who paused, as she put it down, to wipe her eyes with her apron.