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The man had looked at doom, and there was doom still in his eyes. "We were beaten by their artillery," he said, "there was never such a scene of carnage. The Russians had a shell for every man." In Philipopolis I was introduced to the Gueschoffs, a Bulgarian mercantile family who had been established there for some generations.

It became entirely obvious as the result of a mere surface inquiry that the charge against the Gueschoffs had been trumped up by the military authorities simply and purely because they were wealthy people, and the commandant saw his way to a handsome windfall.

I had met him at the Gueschoffs' table and I asked for news of them. Such intelligence as he had to give was wholly favourable; they were all well and prosperous. I suggested to him that I thought it at least a little odd that no one of them had ever thought it worth while to send me a line.

The Gueschoffs were duly deported, were retried and acquitted, and were allowed, I believe, to retire to Odessa until the close of the campaign. After that they returned to Philipopolis and, according to the latest news I had of them, were prospering exceedingly.

Constantinople Continued The Massacre of Kesanlyk A Sketching Expedition Failure of Supplies Correspondent for the Scotsman and the Times Adrianople The Case of the Gueschoffs The Bulgarians. At first I thought the Constantinople fare the most delightful I had ever encountered anywhere.