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"Yes, uncle," said Rodd, rather grumpily; and he went slowly out, with the intention of getting somewhere on to the high ground where he could watch the sergeant's red coat till he was out of sight. "I wish Uncle Paul wouldn't talk to me like that," he muttered, as he went out of the garden gate. "Go out and play like a good boy! It does make me feel so wild!

"First," says the man, "let me tell you that I never before clapped eyes on the long piece of rascality you were seeking. He looked like one that had cheated the gallows." "He was a man I knew in Scotland," I said grumpily. "Likely enough. There's a heap of Scots redemptioners hereaways. I'm out of Scotland myself, or my forbears were, but my father was settled in the Antrim Glens.

Ashamed at being heard, he grumpily explained: "Cord and faggot 'ud torment me no worse than this hell-begotten rheumatism. I be free of it in a ship but the land reeks with foul vapors. It hurt me cruel at Cartagena in the year of " "But can you walk all day, in such misery as that?" anxiously interrupted Jack. "If not, I'll make shift to crawl," said the old sea dog.

"If I could get in any position where I'd be more likely to die of sheer stagnation, to say nothing of dirty drudgery, than in this forsaken hole, I'd like to know how. I don't think it's possible." "You could be a whole lot worse off, if you only knew it," Benton returned grumpily. "If you haven't got any sense about things, I have.

"She doesn't want anything to do with me!" said Pelle grumpily; "she's just playing with me." "Yes, a girl goes on playing with a white mouse until she gets it! You ought to be ashamed to stand there hanging your head! So young and well- grown as you are too! You cut her tail-feathers off, and you'll get a good wife!" She nudged him in the side with her elbow.

Max's hand remained outstretched, but that he ignored. "What have you come for?" he demanded gruffly. "I should have said, 'What can I do for you?" observed Max to the ceiling. "If you are thinking of having a drink, perhaps you will allow me to join you." Noel went to the door and grumpily yelled an order. After which he jingled back, unbuckled his sword, and flung it noisily on the table.

Then there were pushing of chairs, footsteps in the next room, and plaintive expostulations from the Steward, who was pursuing Hamilton, even out of doors through the main entrance. "That's a very insulting sort of man," remarked Captain Giles superfluously, I thought. "Very insulting. You haven't offended him in some way, have you?" "Never spoke to him in my life," I said grumpily.

So when the man appeared, he seized with avidity upon the envelope in his hand. But the scrawling superscription at once dispelled his hope, and recalled the forgotten Luftmensch. He threw the letter impatiently on the table. 'Oh, you may read it, his friends protested, misunderstanding. 'I can guess what it is, he said grumpily.

His character came out best perhaps meaning, in another sense, that is, at its worst when the fairy spirit of John's house, the Cricket, was heard chirping; and Tackleton asked, grumpily, "Why don't you kill that cricket? I would! I always do! I hate their noise!" John exclaiming, in amazement, "You kill your crickets, eh?" "Scrunch 'em, sir!" quoth Tackleton.

Surtaine had generously offered to subscribe ten thousand dollars to the fund. Douglas took pride in nominating that Midas of Medicine, Dr. Surtaine. Wales, of Dr. Surtaine's church, sonorously seconded the nomination. So did Hollis Myers, of the Security Power Products Company. So, a trifle grumpily, did Elias M. Pierce. Also Col.