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At the lake hotels, the fare is lamb and mutton and grout, the latter not always fresh, and soon tired of. We pay like nabobs, and are expected to be content with plain mutton. We spent the day yesterday at Grasmere, in quiet walks about the hotel; and at a little past six in the afternoon, I took my departure in the stage-coach for Windermere.

"Get back to Hazleton," Sheriff Marlin cries, at the same time raising his arms above his head and waving them. He pushes his way through the crowd of miners to the edge of the road. Off comes his hat It is the signal which Captain Grout has been expecting. "Company, attention!" Two hundred Coal and Iron Police jump to their feet.

After a week, during which two stout sailors of his yacht, Bel Ami, guarded him, as he sadly walked on the beach regarding with tear-stained cheeks his favourite boat, he was taken to Passy, to Doctor Blanche's institution. One of his examining physicians there was Doctor Franklin Grout, who later married Flaubert's niece, Caroline Commanville.

Yet I hoped by grouting at the earth below it to be able to dislodge the stone at the side; but while I was considering how best to begin, the candle flickered, the wick gave a sudden lurch to one side, and I was left in darkness. Thus my plight was evil indeed, for I had nothing now to burn to give me light, and knew that 'twas no use setting to grout till I could see to go about it.

And he looked gloomy as he thought of the stretch from Grout Hozletons to Jonesville, and how it looked from March till June. "Wall," sez I, "less get our minds off on't," and I hurried him on to look at the Austrian exhibit, and the Alps seemed to git his mind off some. There they wuz.

STUCCO. A stucco for walls, &c. may be formed of the grout or putty, made of good stone-lime, or the lime of cockle-shells, which is better, properly tempered and sufficiently beat, mixed with sharp grit-sand, in a proportion which depends on the strength of the lime: drift-sand is best for this purpose, and it will derive advantage from being dried on an iron plate or kiln, so as not to burn; for thus the mortar would be discoloured.

Work on each section was continued day and night without any intermission from the time of commencement to the time of completion. At frequent intervals the box drains were washed out thoroughly with a hose, in order to prevent them from clogging up with grout. TW 66, P.N.Y. & L.I.R.R. Terminal Station West. Box drains and tie rods, South side, Sta. 184+80 to 185+14. P.R.R. Tunnels, N.R. Div.

Nowadays a boy cannot follow out a single natural instinct without tumbling over some of those everlasting aphorisms and hearing from Franklin, on the spot. If he buys two cents' worth of peanuts, his father says, "Remember what Franklin has said, my son 'A grout a day's a penny a year"; and the comfort is all gone out of those peanuts.

"I'm glad ye like him," said Bubble, looking highly gratified. "Hosy Grout giv him an' another one to me yes'day, over 't the village. He was goin' to drownd 'em, an' I wouldn' let him, an' he said I might hev 'em ef I wanted 'em. I knew Pink would like to hev one, an' I thought mebbe you liked critters, an' so " "Good Bubble!" said Hilda, stroking the little dog's curly head.

So she hastened back again to the house, and lit a fire on the hearth, and fell to cooking her somewhat of grout to her supper; and she watched the fire, thinking withal: Now if some poor soul be abroad, they may see the smoke and seek hither, and I may comfort them with food and shelter and converse; or when night darkens, they may see the litten windows and come to me; wherefore shall the fire burn yet and the candles be lighted, for as warm as is the evening, even as if it were Yule-tide and the snow deep without, and the wind howling in the woodland trees.