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"There's no doubt that Gandam traced your Gabriel Chestermarke to the stage-door of the Adalbert Theatre and lost him there. But, you know, for anything you know, Mr. Gabriel Chestermarke, banker, of Scarnham, may have had legitimate and proper business at that theatre. For aught you know, Mr. Gabriel Chestermarke may be owner of that theatre ground-landlord part-proprietor financier.

Now 'The Lamb and the Flag' enjoyed a low reputation, and for a citizen of ordinary respectability to be seen entering it at that hour well, it invited surmise. But I knew Mr. Jenkinson to be above suspicion; he might be the ground-landlord I had heard of his purchasing several small bits of property about the town.

Nor is their ground-landlord spiritually the richer. He has built flats on its site, his motor-cars grow swifter, his exposures of Socialism more trenchant. But he has spilt the precious distillation of the years, and no chemistry of his can give it back to society again. Margaret grew depressed; she was anxious to settle on a house before they left town to pay their annual visit to Mrs. Munt.

Whenever he spoke of the ground-landlord, known to him only by name, it was with a severity such as he never permitted himself on any other subject. The ground-landlord was, to his mind, an embodiment of social injustice. 'Never in my life, Mr. Goldthorpe, did I grudge any payment of money as I grudge the ground-rent of these houses.

Nor is their ground-landlord spiritually the richer. He has built flats on its site, his motor-cars grow swifter, his exposures of Socialism more trenchant. But he has spilt the precious distillation of the years, and no chemistry of his can give it back to society again. Margaret grew depressed; she was anxious to settle on a house before they left town to pay their annual visit to Mrs. Munt.

The arrangement was a characteristic example of the manner in which building was added to building in London contrary to the intention of the original laying-out, and George in his expert capacity wondered how the plans had been kept within the by-laws of the borough, and by what chicane the consent of the ground-landlord had been obtained. Mr.

Even when I have to go into lodgings, when my houses become the property of the ground-landlord to my mind, Mr. Goldthorpe, a very great injustice, but I don't set myself up against the law of the land I shall just be able to live. And that's no small blessing, sir, as I think you'll agree. 'Rather! It's the height of human felicity, Mr. Spicer. I envy you vastly.

The houses were then in a very bad state, and only one of them let, and there had been lawsuits going on for a long time between the leaseholder and the ground-landlord I can't quite understand these matters, they're not at all in my line, sir; but at all events there were quarrels and lawsuits, and I'm told one of the tenants was somehow mixed up in it.