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She hoped Mademoiselle did not see her glance.... Mademoiselle, standing there all disfigured and blotchy about something... it was nothing... it couldn't be anything.... If anyone were dead she would not be standing there... it was just some silly prim French quirk... her dignity... someone had been "grossiere"... and there she stood in her black hat and black cotton gloves.... Hurriedly putting on her hat and long lace scarf she decided that she would not change her shoes.

The comment of M. Paul-Dubois on these attempts to foist on the Catholic Church responsibility for the evil case in which Ireland finds herself, deserves quotation: "Cette thèse grossière et fanatique ne vaut l'honneur d'un devellopment ni d'une discussion: contentons nous de remarquer comme il est habile et simple de rejeter sur Rome la responsabilité des malheurs d'Erin en disculpant ainsi et l'Angleterre et la colonie anglaise en Irlande!"

"Not furnished, my sweetheart," said Gertrude, "and you know Kinder you're all running on very fast about servants the good Frau is our housekeeper." "Will she have meals with us?" "Gewiss Jimmie, meals." "Mon Dieu, vous etes terribles, toutes!" came Mademoiselle's voice. It seemed to bite into the table. "Oh, eest grossiere!" She gathered herself up and escaped into the little schoolroom.

Jouez-moi du Steibelt! Ivan Matveitch looked upon Steibelt as a great genius, who had succeeded in overcoming in himself 'la grossiere lourdeur des Allemands, and only found fault with him for one thing: 'trop de fougue! trop d'imagination!... When Ivan Matveitch noticed that I was tired from playing he would offer me 'du cachou de Bologne. So day after day slipped by....

"Une grossière main vient la plupart du temps Me prendre de la main des plus honnêtes gens. Civil, officieux, je suis pour la ville. "Dans le plus rude hiver j'ai le dos toujours nu: Et, quoique fort commode,

Cardinal Richelieu, the Maecenas or would-be Maecenas of France, once mistook the name of a noted grammarian, Maurus Terentianus, for a play of Terence's. This is called by the French writer who records it, "une bevue bien grossiere." However gross, a mistake can never be made into a bull.

Margaret was sitting in a shady nook of the walls, under the shade of a tall, massive tower, with a page reading to her, but in that impulsive manner which the Court of France thought grossiere and sauvage; she ran down the stone stairs and threw herself on the neck of her cousin, exclaiming, however, 'But where are my sisters? 'Are they not with your Grace? I thought to find them here! 'Nay!

Quelque grossière que fut cette imposture, Louis ne put pas s'en défendre. Il résolut d'envoyer, au prince et au Kan convertis une ambassade pour les féliciter de leur bonheur et les engager

«§ 691. La nature même de la matière qu'enveloppe les cailloux de ces poudingues rend ce fait plus curieux et plus décisif. Car si c'étoit une pâte informe et grossière, on pourroit croire que ces cailloux et la pâte qui les lie ont été jetés pêle-mêle dans quelques crevasses verticales, la partie liquide c'est endurcie par le dessèchement. Mais bien loin de-l