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Maurice gave his permission with a laugh, begging Miranda not to batter down any cities with his big gun. On the 8th September the stadholdet threw a bridge over the Rhine, and crossing that river and the Lippe, came on the 11th before Grol.

The city of Groenlo, or Grol, not a place of much interest or importance in itself, but close to the frontier, and to that destined land of debate, the duchies of Cleves, Juliers, and Berg, still retained its Spanish garrison. On the 14th July Prince Maurice of Nassau came before the city with six thousand infantry, some companies of cavalry, and sixteen pieces of artillery.

Furthermore, he observed that it was not only his purpose to relieve the city of Grol, but to bring Maurice to an action, and to defeat him, unless he retired. The soldiers ceased to murmur, the pontoons were laid, the river was passed, and on the 25th July, Maurice, hearing of the veteran's approach, and not feeling safe in his position, raised the siege of the city.

Mondragon, with his army strengthened by reinforcements from garrisons in Gelderland, and by four hundred men brought by Frederic, van den Berg from Grol, had advanced to a place called Walston in den Ham, in the neighbourhood of Wesel. The Lippe flowed between the two hostile forces.

Furthermore, he observed that it was not only his purpose to relieve the city of Grol, but to bring Maurice to an action, and to defeat him, unless he retired. The soldiers ceased to murmur, the pontoons were laid, the, river was passed, and on the 25th July, Maurice, hearing of the veteran's approach, and not feeling safe in his position, raised the siege of the city.

The city of Groenlo, or Grol, not a place of much interest or importance in itself, but close to the frontier, and to that destined land of debate, the duchies of Cleves, Juliers, and Berg, still retained its Spanish garrison. On the 14th July Prince Maurice of Nassau came before the city with six thousand infantry, some companies of cavalry, and sixteen pieces of artillery.

The city of Groenlo, or Grol, not a place of much interest or importance in itself, but close to the frontier, and to that destined land of debate, the duchies of Cleves, Juliers, and Berg, still retained its Spanish garrison. On the 14th July Prince Maurice of Nassau came before the city with six thousand infantry, some companies of cavalry, and sixteen pieces of artillery.

Mondragon, with his army strengthened by reinforcements from garrisons in Gelderland, and by four hundred men brought by Frederic, van den Berg from Grol, had advanced to a place called Walston in den Ham, in the neighbourhood of Wesel. The Lippe flowed between the two hostile forces.

Straggle of the Netherlands against Spain March to Turnhout Retreat of the Spanish commander Pursuit and attack Demolition of the Spanish army Surrender of the garrison of Turnhout Improved military science Moral effect of the battle The campaign in France Attack on Amiens by the Spaniards Sack and burning of the city De Rosny's plan for reorganization of the finances Jobbery and speculation Philip's repudiation of his debts Effects of the measure Renewal of persecution by the Jesuits Contention between Turk and Christian Envoy from the King of Poland to the Hague to plead for reconciliation with Philip His subsequent presentation to Queen Elizabeth Military events Recovery of Amiens Feeble operations of the confederate powers against Spain Marriage of the Princess Emilia, sister of Maurice Reduction of the castle and town of Alphen Surrender of Rheinberg Capitulation of Meurs Surrender of Grol Storming and taking of Brevoort Capitulation of Enschede, Ootmaxsum, Oldenzaal, and Lingen Rebellion of the Spanish garrisons in Antwerp and Ghent Progress of the peace movement between Henry and Philip Relations of the three confederate powers Henry's scheme for reconciliation with Spain His acceptance of Philip's offer of peace announced to Elizabeth Endeavours for a general peace.

His magnificent fortune and boundless credit were seriously compromised. He had found it an easier task to take Ostend and relieve Grol than to bolster up the finances of Spain. His acceptances were becoming as much a drug upon the exchanges of Antwerp, Genoa, or Augsburg, as those of the most Catholic king or their Highnesses the archdukes.