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For three or four minutes she stood thus, and then the boat was under the yacht's side and the men were coming up the ladder. The Countess moved nearer to Virginia and Dr. Grayle.

And a dream no less because your eyes were open and you believed yourself awake. The diseased imagination resembles those mirrors which, being themselves distorted, represent distorted pictures as correct. "And even this Memoir of Sir Philip Derval's can you be quite sure that you actually read the part which relates to Haroun and Louis Grayle?

By Philip Derval's account I am, in truth, Louis Grayle restored to youth by the elixir, and while yet infirm, decrepit, murdered Haroun, a man of a frame as athletic as yours! By accepting this notion you seem to yourself alone to unravel the mysteries you ascribe to my life and my powers. O wise philosopher!

His face now became very troubled, the tone of his voice very irresolute, the face and the voice of a man who is either blundering his way through an intricate falsehood, or through obscure reminiscences. "This Louis Grayle! this Louis Grayle! I remember him well, as one remembers a nightmare.

There he ascertained that on the night in which Haroun died, Grayle did not disappear alone; with him were also missing two of his numerous suite, the one, an Arab woman, named Ayesha, who had for some years been his constant companion, his pupil and associate in the mystic practices to which his intellect had been debased, and who was said to have acquired a singular influence over him, partly by her beauty and partly by the tenderness with which she had nursed him through his long decline; the other, an Indian, specially assigned to her service, of whom all the wild retainers of Grayle spoke with detestation and terror.

He had been in his corner for fifteen or twenty minutes when Annesley Grayle arrived, glancing over the top of his paper with a sort of jaunty carelessness every few minutes at the crowd moving toward the restaurant, picking out some individual, then dropping his eyes to the Sphere.

Are you then, in truth, the murderer of Haroun, and is your true name Louis Grayle?" "I am no murderer, and Louis Grayle did not leave me his name. I again adjure you to postpone, for this night at least, the questions you wish to address to me.

Nelson Smith when she was Miss Annesley Grayle." The letter went on: I hadn't been married long when my husband read out of some newspaper the notice of a clergyman's death, and mentioned that he was a cousin by marriage whom he hadn't met since boyhood, although the clergyman's living was in our county somewhere off at the other end.

The verdict was manslaughter; but the sentence emphatically marked the aggravated nature of the homicide, three years' imprisonment. Grayle eluded the prison, but he was a man disgraced and an exile, his ambition blasted, his career an outlaw's, and his age not yet twenty-three. My father said that he was supposed to have changed his name; none knew what had become of him.

I don't think he would have trusted me to protect you without him, though I er I did my best with her. Good heavens, what a fury! I never saw that side of her before! I must say, I don't blame you for making your own plans, Miss Grayle. I I don't blame you for anything, and I hope you'll feel the same toward me.