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Next day, suddenly as its sun, had come the news which had transformed him from a discontented grappler with social problems to the owner of stocks and bonds and shares in a busy mine and other things soothing to enumerate.

The Grappler, the telegraph company's ship, was seen opposite the Usine Guerin, and disappeared as if blown up by a submarine explosion. The captain's body was subsequently found by a boat from the Suchet.

After five minutes it was certain that the lynx must be dead. Quonab cut a sapling and made a grappler. He poked this way and that way under the ice, until at length he felt something soft. With the hatchet they cut a hole over the place and then dragged out the body of the lynx. The beaver, of course, escaped and was probably little the worse.

"No," said Anne, "that I can easily believe to be impossible; but in time, perhaps we know what time does in every case of affliction, and you must remember, Captain Harville, that your friend may yet be called a young mourner only last summer, I understand." "And not known to him, perhaps, so soon." "Not till the first week of August, when he came home from the Cape, just made into the Grappler.

He stood his chance for the rest; wrote up for leave of absence, but without waiting the return, travelled night and day till he got to Portsmouth, rowed off to the Grappler that instant, and never left the poor fellow for a week. That's what he did, and nobody else could have saved poor James. You may think, Miss Elliot, whether he is dear to us!"

The courageous grappler accepts without despair the unchangeable factors in his problem and sets about correcting the conditions which are within his control especially his own patterns of living. One may cooperate creatively. This means that one will still grapple courageously, but not as a lone wolf.

"No," said Anne, "that I can easily believe to be impossible; but in time, perhaps we know what time does in every case of affliction, and you must remember, Captain Harville, that your friend may yet be called a young mourner only last summer, I understand." "And not known to him, perhaps, so soon." "Not till the first week of August, when he came home from the Cape, just made into the Grappler.

It was only that the ship had passed safely through the "gun-rocks," and was about to enter the Roumanian channel; but from the little bay the water rushes so furiously into the canal that a regular water-fall is formed, and this is the dangerous moment of the "Leap." When Timéa looked out of the cabin window, she only saw that Timar stood at the bow with a grappler in his hand.

Apparently he was in one of two predicaments; either he was self deceived, which was abhorrent to him as a thoughtful grappler with the eternal mysteries, or he had misinterpreted the character of the woman whose transcendent quality was a dearer faith to him than the integrity of his own manhood. So it was with a troubled heart that he applied himself to more rigorous professional endeavor.

"The wave of fire was on us and over us like a lightning flash. It was like a hurricane of fire. I saw it strike the cable steamship Grappler broadside on and capsize her. From end to end she burst into flames and then sank. The fire rolled in mass straight down upon St. Pierre and the shipping. The town vanished before our eyes and the air grew stifling hot, and we were in the thick of it.