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You see, neighbours, if so, it would be setting father a bad example, as he is so light moral'd. But a gown-piece for a shilling, and no black art 'tis worth looking in to see, and it wouldn't hinder me half an hour. Yes, I'll come, if you'll step a little way towards Mistover with me afterwards, supposing night should have closed in, and nobody else is going that way?"

This evening he had given me a gown of costly brocade of Cyprus; to Kunz everything that a Junker might need on his travels; and to Herdegen the same sword which he himself had in past time worn at court; the hilt was set with gems and ended in the lion rampant, couped, of the Im Hoffs. Ursula Tetzel, like me, had had a gown-piece which was lying near by the sword.

Christian going too?" said Fairway as soon as he recognized the newcomer. "You've got no young woman nor wife to your name to gie a gown-piece to, I'm sure." "What d'ye mean?" said Christian. "Why, the raffle. The one we go to every year. Going to the raffle as well as ourselves?" "Never knew a word o't. Is it like cudgel-playing or other sportful forms of bloodshed?

Among the cups on the long table before the sitters lay an open parcel of light drapery the gown-piece, as it was called which was to be raffled for. Wildeve was standing with his back to the fireplace smoking a cigar; and the promoter of the raffle, a packman from a distant town, was expatiating upon the value of the fabric as material for a summer dress.

This evening he had given me a gown of costly brocade of Cyprus; to Kunz everything that a Junker might need on his travels; and to Herdegen the same sword which he himself had in past time worn at court; the hilt was set with gems and ended in the lion rampant, couped, of the Im Hoffs. Ursula Tetzel, like me, had had a gown-piece which was lying near by the sword.

I don't want to go, thank you, Mister Fairway, and no offence." "Christian don't know the fun o't, and 'twould be a fine sight for him," said a buxom woman. "There's no danger at all, Christian. Every man puts in a shilling apiece, and one wins a gown-piece for his wife or sweetheart if he's got one." "Well, as that's not my fortune there's no meaning in it to me.

I don't want to go, thank you, Mister Fairway, and no offence." "Christian don't know the fun o't, and 'twould be a fine sight for him," said a buxom woman. "There's no danger at all, Christian. Every man puts in a shilling apiece, and one wins a gown-piece for his wife or sweetheart if he's got one." "Well, as that's not my fortune there's no meaning in it to me.

Among the cups on the long table before the sitters lay an open parcel of light drapery the gown-piece, as it was called which was to be raffled for. Wildeve was standing with his back to the fireplace smoking a cigar; and the promoter of the raffle, a packman from a distant town, was expatiating upon the value of the fabric as material for a summer dress.

When she came home I said we were then just beginning to walk together 'What have ye got, my honey? 'I've won well, I've won a gown-piece, says she, her colours coming up in a moment. 'Tis a smock for a crown, I thought; and so it turned out.

When she came home I said we were then just beginning to walk together 'What have ye got, my honey? 'I've won well, I've won a gown-piece, says she, her colours coming up in a moment. 'Tis a smock for a crown, I thought; and so it turned out.