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But the dawg with the bone he went right on till he gnawed it down to the last morsel, and, goin’ to the hole in the fence whar his friend had kep’ that anxious vigil, he says: ’Friend, the only thing that consoled me while having to endure the anguish of eatin’ that bone was the thought of your watchful sympathy!’ Which bein’ the case, I’d thank you to tell me whar I can find my gov’ment."

Yellett, shortly after Leander Dax’s arrival at camp in the capacity of herder, announced that she and Leander were to make a trip to the dipping-vat that had kept Ben from his classes for the past ten days, and invited the "gov’ment" to join the expedition, Mary accepted with fervor.

The rocking-chair now began to recover its accustomed momentum. This much-heralded educational expert was far from terrifying. Indeed, to Mrs. Rodney’s hawklike gaze, that devoured every visible item of Mary’s extremely modest travelling-dress, there was nothing so very wonderful about "the gov’ment from the East." With a deftness compatible only with long practice, Mrs.

"Your consumin’ anxiety regardin’ my gov’ment and my children shore reminds me of a narrative appertainin’ to two dawgs. Them dawgs was neighbors, livin’ in adj’inin’ yards separated by a fence, and one day one of them got a good meaty bone and settled hisself down to the enj’yment thereof.

A moment afterwards she and Leander were engaged in rolling the barrels of sheep-dip to the wagon, Mary Carmichael helplessly looking on while Mrs. Yellett looked doubtfully at a "gov’ment" who could not handle barrels. Finally, under the skilful manipulation of Mrs.

"Yes," leered the old womanand she grinned the whole horrid length of her empty gums—"the most of ’em does. But you must shet your eyes to it. The moment they know you swallow it, they’s wuthless, like horses that has run away once." "Hark!" said Eudora. "Ain’t that wheels?" "It be," answered her mother. "It be that old Ma’am Yellett after her gov’ment." Mrs. Yellett And Her "Gov’ment"

"I ’low it’s mighty queer you-uns don’t recognize the job you-uns kem out yere to take, when I call it by name." From the sheltering flap of the pink sun-bonnet she turned a pair of black eyes full of ill-concealed suspicion. "Miz Yellett givin’ herself as many airs ’bout hirin’ a gov’ment ’s if she wuz goin’ to Congress. Queer you don’t know whether you be one or not!"

Miss Carmichael’s individual toilet service, which was neither handsome nor elaborate, impressed Eudora far more potently in ranking Mary as a personage than did her dignity of office as "gov’ment." "I reckon you-uns must have seen Sist’ Judy up to Miz Dax’s. I hope she war lookin’ right well." There was in the inquiry an unmistakable note of pride. The connection was plainly one to be flaunted.

Any offspring of mine now present and forever after holding his peace, who proves feebleminded by the end of the coming week, takes over all the work, labor, and chores of such offspring as demonstrates himself in full possession of his faculties, the matter to be reported on by the gov’ment." No sovereign, issuing a proclamation of war, could have assumed a more formidable mien than Mrs.

Yellett scorned such luxury while driving, and accordingly gave hers to the "gov’ment" for a back-rest. Mary sat on the lower row of barrels, with her feet dangling, using one roll of bedding for a seat and the other comfortably arranged at her back as a cushion.