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He is the smallest, and yet he has more sense than the others, he said, turning to his wife; 'he's worrying about the gospodarstwo. Gradually, as the storm abated, the roar of the river struck them afresh. Slimak quickly drew on his boots. 'Where are you going? asked his wife. 'Something's wrong outside. He went and returned breathlessly. 'I say! It's just as I thought. 'Is it the corn?

You have ten acres, she has fifteen. I shall take her land, because it is close to mine, and give you fifteen acres of Hamer's land. You will have a gospodarstwo of twenty-five acres all in one piece. Slimak reflected for a while. 'I think, he said at last, Gawdrina's land is better than Hamer's. 'All right! You shall have a bit more. Slimak scratched his head. 'Well, I don't know, he said.

Watch them yourself. He gave his pipe to Maciek and returned to the cottage. 'They are quick folk, those Swabians, he muttered, 'and clever! Within half an hour he had discovered the two secrets of modern work: organization and speed. About noon two colonists came to the gospodarstwo and asked Slimak to sell them butter and potatoes and hay.

'Be careful, sir, he recommended, 'once robbery begins in the village it will be difficult to stop it. And in case of accident you will do well to let me know first before you do anything. He said this so impressively that the agent henceforward took the two Jews from the manor-house to sleep in the bailiff's cottage. Slimak's gospodarstwo was the sergeant's next destination.

Divine pity could have saved him, but he no longer believed in divine pity, and no human hand would do so much as give him a cup of water. While the sound of the evening-bells floated through the air, and the women in the cottages whispered the Angelus, a bent figure approached the gospodarstwo, a sack on his back, a stick in his hand; the glory of the setting sun surrounded him.

The frozen river, into which his child would never gaze again; the empty, hideous homestead; he longed to escape from it all and go far away and forget Stasiek and Maciek and the whole accursed gospodarstwo. He could buy land more cheaply elsewhere with the money he would get from the Germans. What was the good of the land if it was ruining the people on it?

'I think I could find one, said Maciek, in a voice trembling with delight. The man unceremoniously pushed his wife on one side and drew a large bottle from underneath the seat. 'We are off now, he said, 'we will go to the gospodarstwo and you shall give me some nails in case of another breakdown, and I will leave you some of this cordial in return.

He fancied he heard them neighing. They were becoming sensible of what was happening to them and were calling to him for help! 'I am coming, I am coming, he muttered, took the child on his arm, seized the stick and limped forth. He did not look round, he would see the gospodarstwo again when he came back with the horses.

That gospodarstwo a drop in the sea of human interest was a small world in itself which had gone through various phases and had a history of its own. For instance, there was the time when Josef Slimak had scarcely seven acres of land and only his wife in the cottage.

At daybreak the Lord Jesus takes it into his hand and has a look round his gospodarstwo. In the winter, when the frost is hard, he takes a short cut and sleeps longer. But he makes up for it in the summer, and looks all over the world till eight o'clock at night. That's why one should be astir from daybreak till sunset. But you may sleep longer, little one, for you aren't much use yet.