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Troth, I couldn't tell you all the gabbin' they had day and night and showin' me the place he kep' his bag hidden in, and this way and that way. Och bedad themselves 'ud persuade the hair on your head it grew wrong side out, if they'd a mind to it." "They might so," said Ody, "supposin' I was great gomeral enough to be mindin' a word they'd say, or the likes of them."

We know who Drimdarroch is, do we not, Sim? Monsher may have sharp eyes, but they do not see much further than a woman's face if the same comes in his way. Sim! Sim! I gave you credit for being less o' a Gomeral. To fetch the Frenchman to my house of all places! You might be sure he would not be long among our Indwellers here without his true business being discovered. Drimdarroch, indeed!

But aince they're too old to be seeking joes, they a' set up to be apotecaries. Why? What do I ken? They'll be just the way God made them, I suppose. But I think a man would be a gomeral that didnae give his attention to the same." And here, the luckie coming back, he turned from me as if with impatience to renew their former conversation.

So we went east by the beach of the sea, towards where the salt-pans were smoking in by the Esk mouth. No doubt there was a by-ordinary bonny blink of morning sun on Arthur's Seat and the green Pentlands; and the pleasantness of the day appeared to set Alan among nettles. "I feel like a gomeral," says he, "to be leaving Scotland on a day like this.

"But to be sure, we shall have the time to speak of these, since your father is so good as to make me for a while your inmate; and the gomeral begs you at this time only for the favour of his liberty." "You give yourself hard names," said she. "Mr. Doig and I would be blythe to take harder at your clever pen," says I. "Once more I have to admire the discretion of all men-folk," she replied.

"Come doon oot o' that this meenit, Jock Gordon, ye gomeral!" cried Meg, shaking her fist at the uncouth shape twisting and singing against the sunset sky like one demented. The song stopped, and Jock Gordon slowly turned his head in their direction.

It's a fine bawl she'd ha' had to let out of her, if I was to be hearin' her, and she up beyond Kellys'." "There she was anyway," Joe said, doggedly. "Wouldn't I know that dad fetched-lookin' ould new caubeen she's stuck on her a mile o' ground?" "You great gomeral," said Mrs. Walsh.

And I was e'en as great a gomeral to let ye persuade me to lie up here amang the blankets like a hurcheon, instead o' gaun to the wappen-schaw like other folk. Odd, but I put a trick on ye, for I was out at the window-bole when your auld back was turned, and awa down by to hae a baff at the popinjay, and I shot within twa on't.

Patrick Mulcahy, while talking over the funeral, and the sad events which had led to it, was asked for by the young lad, Katty's brother. "'Well, Andy, lad, what's wanting now? Is your sister feeling better, avick? "'Yes, sir; and she sint me, your riverence, to see wud ye come down and marry her to Lanty Casey the night. "'Are your wits gone ashaughran, ye gomeral?

So we went east by the beach of the sea, towards where the salt- pans were smoking in by the Esk mouth. No doubt there was a by- ordinary bonny blink of morning sun on Arthur's Seat and the green Pentlands; and the pleasantness of the day appeared to set Alan among nettles. "I feel like a gomeral," says he, "to be leaving Scotland on a day like this.