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It is true, that a fine show of goods will bring customers; and it is not a new custom, but a very old one, that a new shop, very well furnished, goes a great way to bringing a trade; for the proverb was, and still is, very true, that every body has a penny for a new shop; but that a fine show of shelves and glass-windows should bring customers, that was never made a rule in trade till now.

Malcolmson, also, informs me that he witnessed in 1831 in India, a hail-storm, which killed numbers of large birds and much injured the cattle. These hailstones were flat, and one was ten inches in circumference, and another weighed two ounces. They ploughed up a gravel-walk like musket-balls, and passed through glass-windows, making round holes, but not cracking them.

One could easily fancy themselves in a country church in some quiet English village, as their eyes fell on the high-backed pews, narrow, stained glass-windows, and walls covered with memorial tablets, and the other peculiarities of a church over a century old. The Winthrop pew was near the pulpit. A large square one, and commanding an excellent view of the congregation. When Mrs.

There were glass-windows to several of the apartments, but the house exhibited considerable quantities of that wooden trellice-work, represented in Mr. Lane's book.

Malcolmson, also, informs me that he witnessed in 1831 in India a hail-storm, which killed numbers of large birds and much injured the cattle. These hail-stones were flat, and one was ten inches in circumference, and another weighed two ounces. They ploughed up a gravel-walk like musket-balls, and passed through glass-windows, making round holes, but not cracking them.

Granacci also executed many pictures, both square and round, which are dispersed among the houses of gentlemen in the city; and he made many cartoons for glass-windows, which were afterwards put into execution by the Frati Ingiesuati of Florence.

Bombay the rising Presidency Probability of its becoming the Seat of Government The Anglo-Indian Society of Bombay Style of Living The Gardens inferior to those of Bengal Interiors of the Houses more embellished Absence of Glass-windows an evil The Bungalows The Encamping-ground Facility and despatch of a change of residence Visit to a tent entertainment Inconveniences attending a residence in tents Want of Hotels and Boarding-houses Deficiency of public Amusements in Bombay Lectures and Conversaziones suggested, as means of bringing the native community into more frequent intercourse with Europeans English spoken by the superior classes of natives Natives form a very large portion of the wealth and intelligence of Bombay Nothing approaching the idea of a City to be seen The climate more salubrious than that of Bengal Wind blows hot and cold at the same time Convenience a stranger finds in so many domestic servants speaking English Their peculiar mode of speaking it Dress of servants Their wages The Cooks Improved by Lord Clare Appointments of the tables The Ramoosee Watchmen Their vociferations during the night Fidelity of the natives Controversy concerning their disregard of truth.