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Do you not see the beams come from that half glass-door leading to the greenhouse?" "Yes; and there's the footstep again, or another." Tramp, tramp came a footfall again upon the gravel path, and, as before, died away upon their listening ears. "What do you say now," said Mr. Chillingworth "are there not two?"

Just go round this corner, and keep straight along till you come to the glass-door there you'll find her. Stop! may be she's asleep; I may as well go along with you myself." She wrung the water from her hands and led the way.

Belinda heard no more; for at this instant, as she was standing alone, near the glass-door that was opposite to the bed, she saw at a distance in the garden the figure which Lady Delacour had described. Lady Delacour was now so intent upon speaking to Dr. X , that she saw nothing but him. Belinda had the presence of mind to be perfectly silent. The figure stood still for some moments.

The dreadful sight of her swaying arms and drooping head made me lose my breath; but Veronica forced me to endurance by clinging to me, and dragging me out of the room and upstairs. She turned the key of the glass-door at the head of the passage, not letting go of me. I took her by the arms, placed her in a chair, and closing my window curtains, sat down beside her in the dark.

Even the heat caused by the mosquito bar would have been annoying, but that the large glass-door on one side, and the window on the other, both standing open, gave passage to the breeze that penetrated through the nettings of my couch. Along with this breeze came the most delicious fragrance the essence of flowers.

Half an hour afterwards, as Lady O'Shane was sitting with her back to the glass-door of the green house, which opened into the ball-room, she was startled by a peremptory tap on the glass behind her; she turned, and saw young Ormond, pale as death, and stained with blood. "The keys of the gate instantly," cried he, "for mercy's sake!" Lady O'Shane, extremely terrified, had scarcely power to rise.

Hiding herself in the entry outside the glass door, she could see from that post of observation the old man in his spectacles sitting writing at his desk. 'Boh! cried the dressmaker, popping in her head at the glass-door. 'Mr Wolf at home? The old man took his glasses off, and mildly laid them down beside him. 'Ah Jenny, is it you? I thought you had given me up.

He arranged his neckerchief and smoothed his curls; and when he reached the end of the landing, he paused outside a little glass-door, and, all unobserved, watched Marie in her pantry cleaning the candlesticks and lamps. Marie heard a knock, and, looking up from her work, saw Wärli. "Good day, Wärli," she said, glancing hurriedly at a tiny broken mirror suspended on the wall.

She stopped abruptly, for a noise at the glass-door caused her to turn her eyes in that direction. It was Quashy, who stood there staring at them with all his eyes, and grinning at them with more than all his mouth to say nothing of his ears! "You black baboon!" shouted the colonel, when able to speak. "Oh, nebber mind me, kurnel," said Quashy, with a deprecatory air, "'skuse me.

We established ourselves there, from whence we could view the whole garden; and with a pretence of looking again at the flowers, I soon made my escape, and returned to the house. A wide glass-door opened from the back room into the garden, and carefully closing this, I approached the table and attempted to open the drawers.