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Widout the natcheral advantages which a ginerous Heaven has besthowed upon you, sor, or upon my honored frind, Misther Kwang, the Chinaze Giant, or upon Maddlemerzelle Bristelli, the bearded Woman, or upon Ko-ko, the T'ree-Headed Girrul, widout sich natcheral advantages, sor, for to raise me at wanst to the front rank av Frakes, my coorse has been wan av worruk, sor.

We've worruked togither guidin' more than wance, and nivver a bit av a quarrel did we have. Oi'd not tell ye a loie, an' Oi want ye to know thot Frank Merriwell will rake these mountains down an' lay them level av he don't foind thot girrul. It's a big oath he has taken to make anny wan shmart thot has caused her wan minute av distress."

Now you're got your chance to a fresh start and don't you ever think I'm going to be the one to let you spoil it by beginnin' to walk out with a dinin'-room Lizzie like me." "Don't say that, Birdie," Ted put in. "It's the truth," affirmed Birdie. "Not that I ain't a perfec'ly respectable girrul, and ye know it.

"You may have the excuse if you weel leave Señor Carkaire to entertain us," murmured Juanita. "I'll remain here," nodded Greg. "I don't smoke." "Gol ding him!" growled Ephraim, as he followed Barney into the smoking compartment. "He's a bigger crank than ever! He's gittin' wuss and wuss!" "What he nades is a girrul to marry him and straighten him out," declared the Irish youth.

"And after that?" "A whole lot more followed, which Oi didn't catch, fer Oi am no avesdropper. But Oi did hear Mrs. Langmore, in a perfect rage, cry out that she'd kill Miss Margaret if the girrul didn't moind her." "And then?" "Miss Margaret said she would do as she pl'ased that she was her own mistress an' Oi was glad to hear her say it. Mrs.

"It's litthle good money will do yez wid yer neck shtretched, an' th' bhoys are carryin' ropes fer th' gints pwhat run off wid th' girrul. Oi'd not fool yez fer th' worruld," O'Toole continued, in his most convincing manner.

His bist friend saw ye in your canoe afther ye shtarted wid th' girrul. Ye're in fer it, Ben, me bhoy, onliss ye turrun roight-about-face an' do pwhat ye can fer th' girrul an' to have the indacint rascals pwhat shtole her poonished." "Sit down," invited the redskin, motioning toward the ground at his side. "We talk it over." O'Toole accepted the invitation and squatted on the ground.

I won't allow it!" "Tut, tut, T. A.! What is this? Cave-man stuff?" "Emma, I tell you it's dangerous. It isn't worth the risk, no matter what it brings us." Emma McChesney struck an attitude, hand on heart. "'Heaven will protect the working girrul," she sang. Buck grabbed his hat. "I'm going to wire Jock." "All right! That'll save me fifty cents. Do you know what he'll wire back? 'Go to it.

However, Frank felt it his duty to learn everything possible while O'Toole could speak, and so he urged him to go on. "It's me best Oi did fer ye, Misther Merriwell an' fer th' girrul. Oi had Red Ben ready to ready to turrn on th' villains pwhat carried her off. It's your promise av protiction he asked fer if he done thot. Oi wur comin' to foind ye.

Langmore said she wished Miss Margaret was off the face of the earth, an' that she'd be afther seein' that the dear girrul wasn't in the house much longer. 'Twas a very bitter scene, an' me heart wint out to the dear girrul " "And what did Miss Margaret reply to that?" "She said it was her father's house, an' she would stay as long as her father wished her to. An' it was her father's house, too."