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She had seemed older when we met in the Provostry, and now to-day was slim and girl-like. I do not know where she got that trick of change, for in after-days, when in the fuller bloom of middle age, she still had a way of looking at times a gay and heedless young woman.

Her mouth, exquisitely chiselled, and colored by the deepest blushes of the rose, had a seductive persuasiveness about it that might readily win one's own to some unconscious liberties; while the natural position of the lips, leaving them slightly parted, gave to the mouth an added attraction in the double range which was displayed beneath of pearl-like and well-formed teeth; her hair was unconfined, but short; and rendered the expression of her features more youthful and girl-like than might have been the result of its formal arrangement it was beautifully glossy, and of a dark brown color.

They would very likely have said, "Go away, naughty pays! How dare you!" Alas, this royal pair, natural, joyous, girl-like and boy-like as they were still were slaves to, their station. They could not long hide themselves from the million-eyed world. In a few days the Court came down upon them from London. "Mamma" came with them and I hope that she, at least, was welcome.

He was so good to me. For he was terribly strong. I thought there could not be a stronger fellow in the whole town. His school-fellows feared his fists, and never dared to cross his path; yet he did not look so powerful; he was rather slender, with a tender girl-like countenance. Even now I can hardly stop speaking of him. As I was saying, our family was very happy.

When they were all quietly settled in their seats and the voluntary was going on, the elders of the party bowed their heads to offer up their preliminary prayers. But Cora, girl-like, looked about her, letting her glances wander over the well-filled pews, and then up toward the galleries. A moment later she suddenly gave a little start and half-suppressed exclamation of delight. Mrs.

Amongst these the nervous hand shifted uncertainly here and there, almost like the fluttering of a bird, then came to rest upon the bunched folds of the napkin. "The Dauphin is a child," he said, his fingers closing upon the looseness of the linen as he spoke. "A weakling girl! And so, girl-like, he loves to play at make-believe. You know their games?

He was playing in my room while I was dressing; quite at the commencement of my toilet, toute a fais en desabille, I ran out in the entry to call my maid; while engaged in that operation, I turned round and saw my brother's door opening within a few yards of me; girl-like, or rather babylike, I ran to my room, threw the door open violently, and uttering a scream, was at the other end of it in one jump.

'A most lovely boy, writes Miss Burney, with long, luxuriant, girl-like tresses, that tumbled down and hid his face when he stooped to draw. 'He can take your likeness, or repeat you any speech in Milton's Pandemonium, the proud father would cry, 'although he is only five years old. And at this age he is stated to have produced a striking likeness of Mr.

Both Louise and Sally were in exuberant spirits. It was the first race which they had ever attended, and, girl-like, they were dying with curiosity to see what it would be like. "Which horse have you picked for the winner?" asked Mr. Pendleton, leaning over and addressing Jay. "Either General or Robin Adair. Both seem to stand an equal chance.

She could not forget the acknowledgment of his skill had been wrung from her when she thought herself dying. Although she could not but admit that Devereaux was innocent in the matter, she felt as though a fraud had been perpetrated upon her, and, girl-like, held him responsible for it. And so life at the court went on. A great family under the same walls, loving and hating.