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Then, as he was turning a corner, Jack caught sight of Ed. "Hey!" he called. Ed turned. There was a momentary look of hope on his face. "Did you " he began. Jack sadly shook his head. "No luck, eh?" went on Ed as he approached Jack. "No; that is, Lem and I didn't have any." "Lem do you mean to say Lem Gildy?" "Now, don't get nervous. I didn't tell him it was your pocketbook that was lost.

There was considerable excitement, as there was a brand-new car, a very expensive one, belonging to the Blends, in front of our garage, and the runabout nearly crashed into it. If it had, the new machine would have been wrecked." "And what became of Lem Gildy?" asked Ed. "Oh, he sneaked off, after whining out that he didn't mean any harm. But I think he did. He's a suspicious character."

I had finished it, and he and I were in the office talking, when a fellow named Lem Gildy came along and threw in the clutch, starting the car off. "Jack saw him do it and ran out, trying to stop his runabout, but he wasn't quick enough, and was knocked down. I hurried out to pick him up, and I forgot all about the runaway car until I had taken Jack home.

"Ha!" exclaimed Lem Gildy that night as one of the hastily printed bills came into his possession, "so this is the wallet they are lookin' for, eh? Twenty thousand dollars! But I knowed it all the while. As if Jack Kimball an' his sister could fool me! But I'll bleed him that's what I'll do.

"What does he do?" "Nothing. Easily said. Yet I've heard it remarked that he'd do anything for money." "Curious that Sid should be on such friendly terms with such a character." "Rather," remarked Walter, and he turned to see Sid pointing at the big car, while Lem Gildy was nodding his head as if assenting to something.

With a muttered snarl Lem slunk away and disappeared in the underbrush. Cora felt herself trembling violently, but she kept control of herself. "Oh, Cora!" sobbed Ida. "I believe I would have died if you had not come along. I was never afraid of Lem Gildy, and when I saw him following me along the road I never dreamed that he would molest me." "What did he want?" asked Cora.

Mary's desire to leave the car at the post-office and not go back to her shop was odd, Cora thought, though her employer had given Mary permission to go for a ride with such well-paying customers as the Kimballs and the Robinson twins. Next Cora tried to analyze Sid's actions, also those of Ida, and she even found herself wondering at Sid's seeming intimacy with Lem Gildy.

With hardly a thought of what she was doing she caught it up and stepped forward. "There's nobody here to help you," said Lem with a brutal chuckle. "Yes, there is!" cried Cora in ringing tones. "Let go of her arm, Lem Gildy, or I'll strike you with this!" and the girl raised the stick over the rascal's head. He hesitated a moment, still gripping Ida, who was on the verge of collapse.

I didn't know where I was to get the cash to repay Ed, and I didn't dare say anything, for fear you'd have me arrested for stealing: "Then I got mixed in with Lem Gildy. He saw me with a lot of cash, and he suspected something. The man is sharp, and one day he saw the numbers of one of the bank notes I had. He looked up the numbers which Ed gave the police, and it corresponded.

He's coming nearer. I don't believe you can do better than ask him to ride back to Chelton with you. Needn't be too specific about what's in the pocketbook. But two pairs of eyes are better than one, you know." "All right," assented Jack. "Here goes." Lem Gildy was shuffling along the road.