United States or French Guiana ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"'Of my five-franc piece of a five-franc piece, said Pierre, correcting himself, and leaving out the word my, half fearful lest Virginie should inquire how he became possessed of such a sum, and for what services it had been given him. But, of course, no such idea came into her head, for it would have been impertinent, and she was gentle-born.

There were the native little Kentuckians, born in the wilderness the first wild, hardy generation of the new people; and there were little folks from Virginia, from Tennessee, from North Carolina, and from Pennsylvania and other sources, huddled together, some uncouth, some gentle-born, and all starting out to be formed into the men and women of Kentucky.

"Thou the child of knightly fathers thou labour!" said Adam, an instinct of his former state of gentle-born and high-hearted youth flashing from his eyes. "It was wrong in thee!" "Dost thou not labour too?" "Ay, but for the world. Well, the gold!"

She had his ability, but she was gentle-born, which he was not, one who could mix with and be welcomed by the highest in the world, and this without the slightest question. If not beautiful, she was very distinguished; she had presence and what the French call "the air." Further, she would be one of the richest women in England.

The words "Ship Master" tell of how the breath of the old North Sea had called Thomas Hollingshorst from the banks and braes and led him to point the bow of his merchant ship across seas, bound for England's far-away colony. Little would he dream crowding canvas to speed his cargo to the Virginia plantations that his gentle-born Elizabeth was to find a grave in that feared American wilderness.

"As you please," she answered, glancing at the plain young Frenchman in colonial dress with suspicion that he was made the excuse for separating Romanist and Protestant. Father Jogues saw her glance and read her thought, and silently accused himself of cowardice for shrinking, in his maimed state, from her table with the instincts of a gentle-born man.

"Thou the child of knightly fathers thou labour!" said Adam, an instinct of his former state of gentle-born and high-hearted youth flashing from his eyes. "It was wrong in thee!" "Dost thou not labour too?" "Ay, but for the world. Well, the gold!"

He was not overjoyed to have the old man visit him, just then; he was even doubtful of the welcome which his heart had for the daughter; but he was a southerner and in the gentle-born southerner real hospitality is quite instinctive. "Mr. Holton Barbara," said he. "I am delighted. Welcome to the mountains." He grasped their hands in hearty greeting. "But where are Aunt Alathea and the Colonel?"

He was gentle-born, distinguished and fashionable in his connections: the son of younger sons, impecunious, generous, of strong often unregulated passions, what the world calls a good fellow, a man's man albeit his affairs with the fair sex were numerous.

He also told his name. "Gino Buondelmonte, at your service," replied the knight, naming himself. "Nay, sir," laughed Gilbert, "a knight cannot serve a simple squire!" "It is never shame for gentle-born to serve gentle-born," answered the other.