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And he looked fairly into Calumet's eyes over the length of the timber. "I'm gassin' to suit myself," said Calumet; "if that don't size up right to you you can pull your freight." "You're a false alarm," said Dade bluntly; "you drive me plumb weary." Before his voice had died away Calumet's hand had flashed to his pistol butt. Why he did not draw the weapon was a mystery known only to himself.

"I reckon if no one but us three knowed about it, one of us has been gassin'. I wouldn't think that you'd done any gassin'," he added, speaking to Stafford. The latter slowly shook his head. Ferguson continued, his eyes cold and alert.

I've told William to stick pins in me when my time comes." "Anybody could tell w'en you're dead," said Chook. "Why, 'ow?" cried Mrs Partridge, eagerly. "Yer'll stop gassin' about yerself," cried Chook, roughly. Mrs Partridge started to smile, and then stopped. It dawned slowly on her mind that she was insulted, and she rose to her feet. "Thank's fer yer nasty remark," she cried.

The bunch had been gassin' about an old gun hangin' over the fireplace. It was one of these old-timers, like they tell about Daniel Boone's havin', in the Nickel Libr'ies, the kind you load with a stove poker. Flintlocks that's it! They was wonderin' if there was anyone left that could take a relic like that out in the woods and hit anything besides the atmosphere. And the first thing Mr.

If there's any of you men that ain't admirin' to do the jumpin' when I yap orders to you, you're doin' your gassin' right now. Them that's pinin' to work under me is sure of a square deal, beginnin' now, and continuin' henceforth. I reckon that's all."

"Say," the other went on at once, "ther's suthin' doin' thick 'tween Jake an' blind hulks. Savee? I heerd Jake an' Miss Dianny gassin' at the barn one day. She wus ther' gittin' her bit of a shoe fixed by Jacob him allus fixin' her shoes for her when they needs it an' Jake come along and made her go right in an' look at the new driver he wus breakin' fer her.

More than that, whether they'll stick up more coaches or fly the country. 'I'd like to have been there and see how Bill Webster looked, says Maddie. 'He was here one day since, and kept gassin' about it all as if he wouldn't let none of you do only what he liked. I didn't think he was that game, and told him so. He said I'd better take a seat some day and see how I liked it.

"Well, now; that's odd," cut in Calumet dryly. "What is?" questioned Taggart quickly, noting his tone. "That I didn't remember," said Calumet. "Remember what?" inquired Taggart. "That I heard you gassin' about Betty to your Red Dog friends. You rattled it off pretty glibly. You ought to remember what you said. I'm wantin' you to repeat it while she's watchin' you.

"Maudie's lined the tent with black drill," said the Colonel. "You brought home anything to eat?" "Oh, well, that's the main thing," said the Colonel, battling with disappointment. Pricked by some quickened memory of the Boy's last home-coming: "I've had pretty queer dreams about you: been givin' Maudie the meanest kind of a time." "Don't go gassin', Colonel," admonished the nurse.

At that moment Bill turned from his contemplation of the house beyond the dumps and fixed his fierce eyes on Sunny's grinning face. "Here, you miser'ble hoboe," he cried, "get right up out of that, and hump across to Zip's shack. You're doin' enough gassin' fer a female tattin' bee. Your hot air makes me want to sweat. Now, them kiddies'll need supper.