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Alhucemas. Penon de Velez. Tegaza. Provinces of Rif and Garet. Tetouan. Ceuta. Arzila. El Araish. Mehedia. Salee. Rabat. Fidallah. Dar-el-Beidah. Azamour. Mazagran. Saffee. Waladia. Description of the Imperial Cities or Capitals of the Empire. El-Kesar. Mequinez. Fez. Morocco. The province of Tafilett, the birth-place of the present dynasty of the Shereefs.

This town is the capital of the province of Garet, and is said to contain 3,000 souls. It is situate amidst a vast tract of fine country, abounding in minerals, and most delicious honey, from which it is pretended the place receives its name.

But the ancient Niger is now well known to run eastwards in the interior of Nigritia, having no connection whatever with the Senegal or with the sea. The kingdom of Marocco includes seven subordinate kingdoms, named Hea, Sus, Guzula, Marocco proper, Duccula, Hazchora, and Tedle. Fez has an equal number, as Fez, Temesne, Azgar, Elabath, Errif, Garet, and Elcair.

Tegaza is a small town and port, at two miles or less from the sea near Pescadores Point, inhabited mostly by fishermen, and containing a thousand souls. The provinces of Rif and Garet, containing these maritime towns are rich and highly cultivated, but inhabited by a warlike and semi-barbarous race of Berbers, over whom the Emperor exercises an extremely precarious authority.

Melilla. Alhucemas. Penon de Velez. Tegaza. Provinces of Rif and Garet. Tetouan. Ceuta. Arzila. El Araish. Mehedia. Salee. Rabat. Fidallah. Dar-el-Beidah. Azamour. Mazagran. Saffee. Waladia. Morocco has been divided into States, or kingdoms by Europeans, although such divisions scarcely exist in the administration of the native princes.

The kingdom of Fes hath as many: as Fes, Temesne, Azgar, Elabath, Errif, Garet, and Elcair. The kingdom of Tremisen hath these regions: Tremisen, Tenez, and Elgazair, all which are Machometists. But all the regions of Guinea are pure Gentiles, and idolatrous, without profession of any religion, or other knowledge of God, then by the law of nature.

Hanah said she and her sister Elizabeth went vp into the garet aboue her roome, and looked downe & said, looke how she lies, she lyes as if som bodey was sucking her, & vpon that she arose and said, yes, yes, so there is; after said Hanah, she hath something there, for so there seemed as if something was vnder the cloathes; Elizabeth said what haue you there, she said nothing but the cloathes, and both Hanah & Eliza. say that Mris.

I do not intend to abandon you; but, you must acknowledge yourself, it is only right that you should earn your own livelihood. Then she put me to work house-cleaning; and whenever I made a mistake she would lock me up in the garet for days together. And that is what has happened to me since I saw you last.