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Linnaeus observed the same deviation long ago for Saponaria officinalis, and since, it has been seen in Clematis Vitalba by Jaeger, in Peltaria alliacea by Schimper, in Silene annulata by Boreau and in other instances. No doubt it is not at all of rare occurrence, and the origin of the present gamopetalous families is to be considered as nothing extraordinary.

Giving free rein to our imagination, we may for a moment assume the possibility of a new subdivision of the vegetable kingdom, arising from Vilmorin's poppy and having gamopetalous flowers for its chief character.

If the character became fixed, so as to lose its present state of variability, such a group of supposititious gamopetalous plants might be quite analogous to the corresponding real gamopetalous families. Hence there can be no objection to the view, that the heaths have arisen in an analogous manner from their polypetalous ancestors.

Amongst Dicotyledons the gamopetalous forms are admitted to be the highest development and a dominant one of our epoch.

The validity and the significance of these considerations will at once become clear, if we choose a definite example. The broadest and most convincing one appears to me to be afforded by the cohesion of the petals in gamopetalous flowers.

Some represent natural groups and had in several cases been already recognized by Ray and others, but the majority are, in the light of modern knowledge, very mixed. Well-defined polypetalous and gamopetalous genera sometimes occur in the same order, and even Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons are classed together where they have some striking physiological character in common.

Other species of the same genus have also been recorded to produce gamopetalous flowers, as for instance, Papaver hybridum, by Hoffmann. Poppies are not the sole example of accidental gamopetaly.

Henry de Vilmorin had the kindness to send me some of these plants, and they have flowered in my garden during several years. The anomaly is highly variable. Some flowers are quite normal, exhibiting no sign of connation; others are wholly gamopetalous, the four petals being united from their base to the very margin of the cup formed.

Apart from such divergencies the connation of the petals is universally recognized as one of the most important systematic characters. How may this character have originated? The heath-family or the Ericaceae and their nearest allies are usually considered to be the lowest of the gamopetalous plants. In them the cohesion of the petals is still subject to reversionary exceptions.